Chapter 38

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I went through my computer and found this chapter that I hadn't posted.  Thank you for everyone who has read this book.

It was around another hour and half that Harry slept before he stretched and opened his eyes. "Hey, sleepy baby" Anne cooed at him. Harry smiled and snuggled closer into her. Gemma smiled, looking at her brother.

Anne let Harry wake up properly before asking them both to listen, getting a smile from Alana. Both kids looked at her expectantly. Anne took a deep breath. "Harry needs to go back to the hospital tonight for a little while. The doctor and nurses need to get a few bits ready for him to be back home for good." Anne said, then added. "You can visit him tomorrow after school, Gems."

Gemma nodded sadly and hugged her brother gently, being strong for him. "Hear that hazzie? see you after school tomorrow" Gemma said. Anne smiled at her daughter proud as Harry nodded sadly. "Mummy is staying with you hazzie" Anne continued. Harry nodded again, still feeling sad. "I'll be with grandma and grandpa. Am I correct?" Gemms said.. "Yes, Gems. You'll stay with us. Or go to auntie Sam's house if you want" Alana said, thinking it would be better for Gemma to be around kids and get distracted.

"How long?" Harry asked quietly after Gemma got an answer to her question. "I'm not sure, Hazzie. But not too long. it's just to help you" Anne said. Harry nodded sadly as he leant into his sister's hold. Anne kept an eye on Harry whether he was going to throw up or not. Harry only leant closer into Gemma, trying to control his emotions. Gemma cuddled him closer carefully. "You'll be okay. You'll be home soon and we can play and do whatever you want" Gemma said. "Help with school?" Harry asked, remembering he has work for school to complete. Gemma nodded "Sure"

Anne smiled and decided to put a short film on for them all to watch while she packed the last of Harry's things they would need. Harry and Gemma sat watching the tv while they cuddled. Alana and Dave went to the kitchen to make something light to eat before Anne, Abbey and Harry needed to leave. When they brought it in, Gemma asked to eat on her lap as Harry was all snuggled up to her. Of course the grandparents said yes to this. Gemma was grateful.

Anne and Abbey came in and joined them and ate. Abbey first gave Harry some anti sickness medicine down his Hickman line as they were being picked up soon. "We are going in around half hour, hazzie" Anne let the boy know. Harry nodded sadly and snuggled more into Gemma as she brushed his hair with one hand. He wanted to be close to her as much time as he could. Anne smiled watching them.

The half hour went really quickly. "Gemma, can you give Harry a kiss now?" Anne said, trying to subtly say it was time. Gemma nodded, trying to stay calm for Harry. She kissed him on the forehead and they cuddled each other. Anne picked him up and took him to the door.

Before she opened it, Alana and Dave said goodbye to Anne and Harry. They went to the car with Abbey following them. The hospital transport had come to pick them up. Alana had brought out the bags that Anne had packed and put them in the boot with the driver. Anne put Harry in the car and buckled him in. She turned around and gave Gemma one last hug and kids. Anne and Abbey got in the car and the driver drove to the hospital.

Gemma, Alana and Dave walked back into the house. Alana and Dave did a group hug with Gemma who they could see was getting a bit emotional now Harry was gone. "Shhh it's just for a little while" Alana soothed. Gemma nodded sadly. She broke the hug and went to her room. She wasn't in the mood for anything. Alana and Dave sat in the lounge. Alana called Sam to tell her about what happened. They planned together for Gemma to stay the following night at Sam's house. Gemma had a little cry to herself before falling asleep. Alana went to Gemma's room and laid next to her. Dave stayed watching tv.

Anne hugged Harry as they drove back to the hospital and had a bag just in case at her reach. They soon arrived at the hospital and took Harry to his room. Abbey hooked him to the monitors and went to call the doctor. Anne stayed with Harry. Harry reached out his arms for a cuddle with his mummy. Anne smiled and sat on the bed and let Harry cuddle her just as the dr walked in. "He's just a little upset after leaving her sister at home" Anne explained before the doctor asked. The doctor nodded and sat on the chair next to the bed. "Understandable. How was he during these days at home?" He asked. "He did well. Only a few bouts. Nothing major" Anne answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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