Chapter 5

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Anne upped and went to attend to her poorly boy, sighing as she saw him covered in puke. Anne carefully picked the boy up realizing he had a full nappy, the woman went and sat the boy on the toilet in case he had anything else had to ex-spell from his lower regions while she ran the bath. When the boy was finished Anne put him in the bath and washed him up from head to toe wiping all the icky stuff away and sweat. Anne then dried him and put a new nappy on him along with some clean emoji pyjamas.

Anne eventually put Harry back to bed after putting fresh sheets and a towel on the bed, she got Harry back to sleep before going to join Gemma back downstairs, going to finish their movie that Harry stopped them watching with his cries. Not like Gemma and Anne minded of course for baby brothers come first whether sick or not. Gemma had gone to bed around half ten an hour after the film had finished and yet again Des still wasn't home Anne wasn't pleased in the least. Anne decided that before having god knows how much time to herself before Des came went and checked upon her baby boy, changing Harry's nappy without waking the boy up thanks to her experience with having two kids.

Anne that night had a difficult couple of hour's with Harry, sick everywhere, nappies not being the best inside once unfastened and just Harry being clingy, but Anne got past it and eventually could manage to be downstairs with her tea and a book. Des finally walked through the door at almost one in the morning drunk right out of his head....Anne looked from where she was laid on the sofa at her drunk so called husband....she. was. SO. angry! Standing up with force Anne crossed her arms and glared at her very tipsy partner. "What the bloody hell do you call this? You ignoramus son of cow bag! We have a very poorly boy upstairs and all you do is go to work to work late and then come friggin' drunk! Oh this is an all-time low for you Desmond" Anne dangerously chuckled. "We are done, your over with and I am never going to look back at you the same way I did all those years ago first meeting you. You're out of the equation Des, I am going to get full custody of Harry and Gemma, best yet! You're never going to see them again for you can't be trusted. You're a waste of space and no one likes people who wastes their time and steps back from being the father he used to be!" Anne had tears down her cheeks, eyes puffy and red.

Des threw the bottle at the wall next to Anne, making Anne jump but not back down from where she stood. No way in hell will she let Des become the bigger one here, this needs to be done and done properly. "Anne darling, ma baby gal! You don't obviously mean that! Work isn't the best and..." Anne stopped Des by putting her hand up, stopping his speech. "Don't want to hear it for its all lies Des. You've stopped caring for our children before work started acting up, your unfit to be a father, admit it! You're not ready and now Harry is going to feel worse than ever when he realizes that I had to get rid of his dad...his meant to be role model. Leave, just leave!" Anne screamed tears so close to falling, her knees feeling weak and breath feeling short.

Des didn't fight back and stumbled to the door and out of Anne's life for hopefully forever. Anne fell to the ground head in shaky hands....her crying session was soon stopped when a small and weak voice broke through her cloudy mind. "M-mummy? I....." before Harry could say anything else he collapsed, breathing heavy and breathless and body going cold making Harry shiver. "Harry? Harry baby come on open up your eyes for Mummy" Anne panicked lifting her baby boy into her arms. Grabbing her phone she called her Mum to come over to mind Gemma before ringing the ambulance....Harry needed to go to hospital and quick. Harry came round they took the boy to hospital as he was very dehydrated. They did a drip and fluids in hospital where they were then discharged home as Harry hadn't vomited or had diarrhoea along with better colour to his face. Anne sighed with relief, they told her it was probably a 24 hr bug. Though it didn't last long unfortunately, the diarrhoea had finished but Harry had started vomiting again by the time he had been home for an hour. Anne gave him diarllyte which he managed to keep down thankfully.

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