Chapter 15

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Anne made her way to Jay and Troy's but was sad that her baby boy wasn't doing as well as she hoped. When she got there Troy let her and the social worker in. Harry is currently snuggled up to Jay and barely moved when Anne made her presence known. Anne couldn't believe how sickly he looked, Harry was very pale, very lethargic and here were two buckets within reach.

Anne went over and ruffled the boys hair, gently kissed Harry and the sick boy still made barely any movement. Anne sat down on the other sofa and asked Jay and Troy some questions. Louis was at school but distraught that he couldn't spend time with Harry.

Awhile later Harry moaned painfully as his head is hurting him, Jay gave the boy a light massage. "Harry would you like to cuddle your mummy" Jay asked as she felt bad she was hogging the boy. Harry nodded but the movement jostled his tummy and so he puked everywhere. Anne grabbed the bucket and rubbed his back. "Haz baby do you want a tummy rub?" Anne asked. "No touch tummy" Harry whined when he finished vomiting, he didn't want anyone near his tummy!

"I can move up slightly and you can take my place?" Jay offered kindly, Anne lifting up her hand and politely declining the offer given to her. "Its fine. If it's going to upset his tummy I will just sit here after I empty this out" Anne replied going to empty the bucket out.


Harry puked three more times during Anne's visit. One time he had fallen asleep on Jay and rolled over on to his sensitive stomach and puked all over her. Anne carefully took Harry holding the bucket while Jay went and got cleaned up. "Shhh Haz just let it all out" Anne comforted the boy as her little baby boy continued to puke. He also required several changes as he still had bad diarrhea.Anne soon left as her visit time is now up. Anne left with a unhappy frown, her baby boy was ill again and not just the vomiting but diarrhoea too. Anne wanted to be able to cuddle him better, but the woman knew that she can't.


Over the next week Harry improved in time for him to be with Louis during the week of half term he vomited every now and then but nowhere near as much, the diarrhoea had also cleared up as well. He moaned of the odd headache but nowhere near as bad as the other headaches he's encountered. Harry seemed to gain some energy back and was soon playing with Louis in no time, which Louis loved!


Gemma on the other hand wasn't in a happy mood at all as Harry won't be with them for half term or Halloween.


Harry had gotten better ready for Halloween and the best part...trick or treating!! Harry loved it and even though Jay kept pestering him and making sure he's one hundred percent well enough, she eventually gave in and went shopping four Halloween costumes, Harry picking a vampire outfit and Louis picking a bat outfit.

The boys ate their dinner as quick as they could ready for the night of trick or treating! Though Harry was all up for trick or treating with his new friend, it wasn't the same. His mummy isn't with him and neither are his grandparents or Gemma, but he'll get to see them soon....sooner than he thinks in the case may be.

Harry and Louis went up to get changed into their outfits after dinner. Jay washed up and got ready to take them both out, she put some spare carrier bags and set of spare clothes in her bag unbeknownst to Harry in case he had an episode while they were out. Jay had offered for Lottie and Felicite to join them but they shook there heads , they were looking forward to their mum and daughter day the next day.


Harry and Louis carefully got changed into their Halloween costumes. Jay on top of plastic bags and spare clothes, also packed some spare pull ups and wipes for Harry if he needed a change. As she did she went and knocked on the door and asked Harry that she needed to change him before they go. Harry nodded no longer shy about it as everyone in the house understood that Harry just needed extra help sometimes. Once Jay had changed the boys nappy she took some photos of the pair before they left. They both looked cute in their outfits! Jay checked with Harry how he is feeling...again! "Good" Harry beamed as they left the house and went trick or treating. They both had a basket to get there sweets in, Jay made sure neither ate too much and was careful what Harry ate while they were out due to his sensitive stomach.

Harry loved the trick or treating, he really did and it was so fun....well apart from not being allowed to eat as many sweets due to him being on and off sickness. Jay smiled as she watched the boys go house to house, ringing doorbells and such. They had been trick or treating for awhile when this five year old boy bumped into Louis.

This five year old had a mask on so Louis wasn't able to tell if he knew the person. Jay was thankful that he bumped into Louis and not Harry in the nicest possible way put. "I'm so sorry, Jamie apologize to this boy" Jess stated. Harry recognized that voice. Harry decided to take his mask of. He recognized Jamie as his sister's friends brother, though Jess hadn't noticed him. Harry was about to be even more surprised as Anne, Gemma and Isabel Gemma's friend were all there. Anne is unaware that her son is only a few feet away while she inquired about a visit for this lovely bungalow that was on sale.

Of course they had only currently seen the outside of the bungalow. Anne is so pleased that her parent's had encouraged her and Gemma to go trick or treating with Jess and her kids, even though it isn't the same without her little boy.

It's quite a funny story how they met. Anne and Jess met at the antenatal class when they were both nervous about becoming first time mum's, now the girls had also formed great friendship! Anne continued to chat to the group of adults, only now realizing that Harry is stood next to the group of people. "Harry?" Harry turned around at the voice only to squeal and hug his mummy in a death grip. "Mummy! Miss you" Anne chuckled and hugged her baby boy who now seemed much better. "Hey baby boy, cute costume! You too Louis" Anne said. "T-Thanks" Louis blushed, he knew this was Harry's mum, but he's never encountered her before.

Gemma had been laughing with Isabel when she heard her brothers talking, she looked shocked and so turned around to run after him and squeezed Harry a bit too tight. Gemma accidentally squeezed Haz a bit too tight making him be a little sick on her. Gemma instantly released the hug and went to rub her brother's tummy. "No touch tummy!" Harry snapped, batting his sister's hands away.

Jay got a tissue and wiped Harry's mouth. 'Come on I think we need to get you home' Jay said. "No let's carry on trick or treating with mummy, Gemma and auntie Jess' Harry smiled feeling better. "Harry I know you want to spend time with us but if your tummy is feeling bad, you need to go home with Jay and Louis" Anne said. "it's fine now" Harry beamed though his tummy felt a little weird, but he wanted to spend a little time with his mummy.

"How about this" Jay started reaching a compromise. "If you throw up again or you're really not feeling good, then were going home. We have forty five minutes left until we go back home anyway okay? You can spend this time with mummy yeah? Deal?" Jay held out her hand to the boy, who in return took it and shook it. "Deal"Harry nodded as they walked to the next house and trick or treat.

Louis stayed beside Harry who was walking next to his mum. Anne took this time to get to know Louis. "Louis isn't it?' Anne asked. "Uh huh. Your Harry's mummy!" Louis replied. "Correct Louis you can call me Anne" Anne replied to the boys enthusiasm. Jay smiled at the pair and ended up talking with Gemma and getting to know Harry's sister, she will eventually have to as they need to get along with each other due to visits and everyone becoming friends.

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