Chapter 18

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This is the last pre written chapter.  Please let me know if you want to carry this book on with me. 

"I'll ring my mum to look after Lottie, felicite and Louis as it's not fair bringing them to the hospital" Troy said as he picked up his phone. "Good idea" Jay replied as she rushed around to get ready, herself also changing Harry's nappy and put fresh pyjamas on him, not bothering with shoes.

Troys mum, who is named Carly answers the phone groggily as she has obviously been awoken in the flipping early hours of the day. "Hi Mum, sorry to wake you but can you come babysit as Harry who we are fostering at the moment needs to go to hospital" Troy explained. "Sure, sure we will be there in twenty" Carly hurriedly replied, saying a quick goodbye the woman quickly got dressed, shoving whatever was nearest along with her handbag and keys, making her way over to her son's and daughter in laws.

Carly has briefly met Harry once or twice since Troy and Jay fostered Harry, and so felt sorry for the boy with having to go to the hospital, from what she has heard from her son and daughter in law, the young curly haired lad is always sick. Troy got off the phone and quickly grabbed some clothes to put on. Jay is comforting a whimpering and sick Harry until Carly arrives . His fever wasn't too high but he just vomited up the water he had just sipped which isn't good as water helps Harry not become dehydrated.


Carly used her spare keys to let herself into the house, she then went inside to find Jay and Troy only to of found Jay and Harry in the spare room. "Awww. Do you want help putting him in the car? Don't worry about Louis and the girls" Carly said feeling bad on the boys behalf. Jay thanked her mother in law just as Troy came out, he quickly hugged his mum before taking Harry off Jay and carrying him to the car.

Jay picked up the bag she had packed with spare nappies and things they would need and a bucket that seemed to follow them everywhere, literally they might as well name it "Harry's Bucket" Jay sat in the back next to Harry while Troy drove the car slowly. Carly waved them of wishing Harry better, asking them to keep her updated which of course they would do. Carly then went in to check on the three sleeping kids who had managed to of slept through the whole ordeal.


Even though Troy was driving quite slowly the movement of the car seem to of made poor young Harry's stomach jolt and so of course he vomited. It caught Jay slightly off guard but she moved the bucket closer for the boy in time before sick could get anywhere.

Harry had an almost overflowing bucket as they approached the hospital. Troy dropped Jay and Harry off by the entrance while he went and parked the car. Harry violently threw up on the concrete as he got out the car, a nurse saw this and escorted the family in to a cubicle and then got Harry's details from Anne before going and booking Harry in with the receptionist. They were in children's A & E of course, Harry liked around the room he was in.

It was all painted with bright warm colours with Winnie the pooh stickers a everywhere, it looked so friendly just like children A and E's should be. "Dr Alexander will see you shortly" the nurse stated coining back with new. "Just wait in the waiting room and he'll call for your name" the nurse listed before giving Harry a lollipop and heading off to attend to more sick children. Harry asked if he could have the lollipop now, though Anne shook her head not wanting Harry to be more sick if that is possible at the moment "Sorry Harry but we don't want it upsetting your tummy" Anne stated a feeling a little sorry for her baby boy.

Troy joined them having picked up a vomit bowl, it seems that wherever Harry went there is a sick bowl present, it's like become Harry's closest friend. Jay cuddled Harry carefully as they waited for a Doctor to examine Harry. Harry is exhausted and soon began to snuggle into Jay and shut his eye's.

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