Chapter 16

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They all had good fun for around another half an hour laughing away trick or treating. Harry's tummy is feeling a bit better which he was pleased about, however because Jay wasn't keeping an eye on him much he was eating too many sweets...a few too many sweets.

This in turn upset his tummy and it started to feel funny again. He soon slowed down. Louis walked at Harry's pace, everyone else had rushed to the next house. Anne noticed this and asked Harry if he was okay.

Harry shook his head and held his tummy in pain. Anne rubbed his tummy gently hoping to help while calling Jay over. At this moment Harry's bowels exploded making him have a big accident in his nappy.

The boy started crying, Anne stopped rubbing the boys tummy and comforted him by ruffling his hair in case he was gonna be sick. Jay rushed over and Harry started clinging to her legs. "Tummy feel funny" he whimpered. "Awww Harry I think it is time to go. Did you have more sweets?" Jay asked getting a nod in reply. Jay sighed. "Harry I think it's time to say bye before going home" Jay said, Harry only nodding gently.

Harry didn't mean to have more sweets, it was just he loved sweets and with him being a sweety person he couldn't help it. "Bye bye mummy, bye bye Gemgem an grandma an granddad" Harry mumbled rubbing at his tired eyes. Even though his grandparents weren't there. "See you next week, I better get this one home" Jay announced picking Harry up and rubbing his back soothingly.

Harry snuggled into Jay on the way back and shut his eye's. On the way home Harry had filled his nappy more and was slightly sick. Jay shushed the boy stopping for a couple of minutes as the young lad was getting restless.

He was leaking out of the nappy now, which didn't sit well with him at all. Jay went to rub the boys tummy but he just shook his head "N-no touch" he whimpered. Jay rubbed the boys back and let him settle before carrying him home. Soon after this Harry fell asleep on Jays shoulder.

Louis walked next to them, worried as his friend seems to always be sick. On the way back they did see a few people who laughed at Harry but Jay just ignored them, she had more important matters to attend to. Harry, as he slept had poop down his legs from where his pull up had leaked, snot around his nose and mouth where he's previously wiped it around while moving around, vomit dripping down his chin and down Jays back, which did make Jay wince as she could feel it, but she didn't mind as the poor boy is just unwell.

They soon arrived back at Jay's, she rang the doorbell not really having any hands to rummage for her keys, thanking God that Troy was in as he had work. Troy opened the door, his face fell at seeing the state of Harry. At seeing his Daddy at the door, Louis hugged his Daddy around the waist with a big grin on his face. Jay carried Harry upstairs to his bedroom, managing to undress and wipe the boy down without waking him up from his much needed sleep.

Harry whimpered slightly but Jay shushed him back to sleep before the boy fully woke up. Jay decided to bath the boy in the morning. Once Harry was cleaned, in a fresh nappy with Jay applying cream to his sore bits and bobs, she put the boys pajamas on the small boy and laid the sleeping boy in his bed leaving a bucket by his bed.

Troy was giving Louis a bath who was telling his daddy about meeting Harry's mum, sister and friends. Troy listened in on the information, this Anne lady seemed quite nice, just too bad that the woman had her child taken off of her.

You see on times that Jay and Louis go see Harry for the weekly visits, or Anne comes over to theirs along with the social worker, poor Troy is either at work or doing something that involves being too busy to meet Anne to even get to meet the woman. "Come in then little man, let's get you dried" Troy dried Louis and got him ready for bed, though felt upset at the news that he couldn't sleep with Harry that night as of course the boy is sick....again!

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