Chapter 37

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It was all going well until around 4:30 pm. Harry was still busy playing and didn't realise his stomach was feeling a bit different. He had a huge diaper explosion and had to cover his mouth once he noticed he was about to violently vomit, causing it to seep through his fingers. Anne got quickly into action, taking him away from the toys and into the bathroom. Jay followed her leaving Louis at the door of the bedroom.

Harry threw up all over Anne and the floor, not making it to the bathroom. Jay quickly grabbed a bucket as Harry continued to throw up. Abbey got woken up by Harry throwing up and rushed out and sighed but saw that Jay and Anne had it in hand and they comforted the poorly boy.

Then she saw Louis and decided to take him with her to play. She wanted to distract him to avoid getting worked up, noticing he was getting upset from all the rush. She picked him up and rubbed his back, trying to sooth him. "Harry is going to be ok, shall we colour a picture or build something for Harry." Abbey suggested. Louis nodded and went with Abbey to the lounge. He only knew where the toys were, so he decided to build something with legos. The girls were still in Gemma's room chatting and playing.

When Harry got a break from vomiting Jay helped Anne get Harry's trousers and nappy off as they sat the boy on the toilet and held the bucket in case he still needed to go. Harry still went both ways for a few more minutes. Then he stopped, letting his mum change his nappy and clothes and give him some water to sip. This was just to wash his mouth out after vomiting.

Anne then cudded the boy and carried him back into the lounge to where Louis and Abbey were busy. Louis saw them coming back into the lounge and quickly walked towards them. "You better, Hazzie?" He asked. Harry nodded, though he was feeling tired. Anne and Jay sat with them.

"Mummy, can we cuddle on the sofa and watch something?" Louis asked, sensing Harry was tired now. "Of course," Jay said. Anne carried Harry to the sofa and placed him next to Louis. She also put the bucket by the boy as she sat down too and turned the tv on. Abbey smiled at the scene and went back to the bedroom she was staying in, wanting to give them time alone and noticing Harry was being well taken care of.

Gemma and the girls soon joined them watching tv. Harry fell asleep cuddled into Louis as they all watched a film. Anne snapped a picture of the pair of them. They stayed watching tv until Troy got out of work and joined them at Anne's house. Anne and Jay went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone.

Troy kept an eye on Harry as he slept. Louis hadn't moved. "Daddy don't wanna wake Harry, but toilet" Louis suddenly asked. Troy stood up from where he was and slowly removed Harry from Louis, laying him on the sofa. Louis ran quickly to the toilet to use it. Troy stayed with Harry, meanwhile.

Harry had stayed asleep. Louis got to the toilet just in time and stood there to do a wee. When he was done he flushed the chain and washed his hands. He left the bathroom and went back to sit with Harry, cuddling him back against his body. Troy watched them for a little while before deciding to set the table for when dinner was ready.

When dinner was ready Troy helped to move Louis carefully from Harry as they all sat at the table. Harry was laying on his side and still in site from the table as they ate. Abbey sat at the table with them. Anne having woken her. They all ate dinner together and chatted while eating. After dinner, Harry woke up from his nap, just in time to say goodbye to the Tomlinson's as they were going back home.  "Text or call if you need anything, no matter what" Jay said before stepping out. Anne nodded and hugged her, then went back inside with her children.

"Gemgem play" Harry beamed. "What do you want to play with, Haz?" Gemma asked, seeing Abbey having moved Harry to the playroom. Harry looked around then back at Gemma and shrugged. "Dunno. What you want?" He asked, wanting to let her share ideas and help him with making choices. Gemma looked around too. "Puzzles, maybe?" She asked him. Harry beamed and nodded. Abbey went to get them for them.

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