Chapter 25

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A while later Troy arrived with a cup of tea and breakfast for Jay and a little something for harry. The boy smiled and hugged troy. "Thank oo!" Harry said and began eating his small breakfast. Troy smiled back "Welcome, buddy". "Thank you, sweetheart" Jay said and began eating as well. "Welcome to you too, darling" Troy said.

The Dr soon came in to examine harry that morning and to give them a plan of when everything was happening. Harry used his nappy again, leaking out of it. Harry whined when feeling his nappy leaking. "Jay took him to the bathroom to change him and took him back out in her arms when ready. The nurse and Troy took out of the bed the stuff that got poop on them and changed everything to something clean.. Then the doctor continued with his explanation.

"The plan is to give Harry some medicine to help clear him out for colonoscopy, and while that medicine is working we will do the other tests" the dr said. Troy and Jay told him thank you and to contact the social worker for consent. The doctor nodded and left on his way to his office to call the social worker assigned to Harry to have her consent for all the tests needed to be done the following days and the medicine needed to be given to clear Harry for the colonoscopy. The social worker gave her consent as she also was concerned for Harry's health. "Thank you we will be in touch soon" the dr told the social worker. "You are welcome. And, yes, please, let me know when you have a diagnoses." The social worker said before they bid their goodbyes.

Harry drifted back to sleep exhausted from everything. Jay stroked the boy's hair. "Poor baby, everything will be back to normal soon" Jay whispered as she stroked his hair and cuddled him. Troy phoned Carly to check if she was ok with collecting the kids from school and to update her. Jay was glad that Harry was having the tests done. The nurse soon came in with the medicine. Harry stayed asleep while the nurse gave him the medicine through the IV drip. Jay cuddled him close. "Let's see how this works to know if the colonoscopy can be done today" The nurse said.

Jay nodded. "If the medicine doesn't work that quickly what will happen? will he have another test today?" jay asked. 'I will speak to the dr we are waiting on,an ultrasound slot." The nurse said. Jay nodded again, cuddling Harry. "Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much" Jay said.

The nurse left the room and Jay got Harry back to sleep. It was a while later that Harry used his nappy and jay changed him leaving for the nurse to take. Jay fell asleep, wondering if it was everything left in Harry's body and if he was cleaned for the colonoscopy. But, then, she thought better to wait for what happens in the following hours and in the morning. Troy smiled at the sleeping pair and relaxed himself. He changed Harry's nappy a couple of times as he slept. Jay woke up, feeling Troy changing Harry's nappy. "Want to stay with him and I will to go with Louis and the girls for the night?" Jay asked, thinking they can take turns in between being with Harry and their kids.

"Yes that will be nice they are really missing you, Jay" Troy said as the nurse came in to take Harry for his ultrasound saying one of them can be with Harry during the scan. "I can go with him, Jay. You can go home, have some rest and stay with the kids till tomorrow. Then we'll switch every day until Harry is healthy again and sent home" Troy said, knowing Jay thinks the same way as him. "Ok. Thank you. I was thinking of suggesting you the same." Jay said and kissed Harry's forehead before leaving. Troy then helped the nurse get Harry ready for the scan and followed her to the room where the scan was going to be taken.

Harry laid his head on Troy's shoulder and whined when he was placed down. "I just need to put this special jacket on while you have these special pictures" Troy explained. Harry whined and grunted but waited patiently. Soon Troy held Harry's hand while the radiographer set everything up. They then put the cold jelly on Harry's tummy and did the ultrasound and then wiped it and did some x-rays.

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