Chapter 12

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However Harry is in some way unhappy about this as he will miss the few friends he had at school, but he is pleased that he won't be made fun of from the bullies, well hopefully. "You can always see how he is in a couple of weeks and try him at school again" Alana suggested. Alana had booked them a doctor's appointment that precise afternoon, so they will know what is wrong with Harry hopefully. Harry for a change had woken up hyper and hungry that morning but was only allowed slightly buttered toast for safety reasons.

Harry's teacher emailed Anne some of the work Harry had missed, which is a lot considering how long Harry has been off school. Harry seemed his bubbly self so she decided to do some with him. She sat the boy at the table with the work she had printed off from the email. Anne sadly placed a bucket next to the boy in case he needed it.

The work Harry's school emailed Anne was a bit of everything, Maths, Literacy, art and history though Harry hated history for to him its boring and doesn't interest him in the slightest, therefore when Anne started with the history Harry didn't pay attention much, Anne decided to give up as Harry kept pushing away the homework to give Her dad chance to give him the history lesson for her dad in a way has lived through many historic times, okay he's not that old but he knows his stuff.

Dave tried to make it fun but Harry wasn't having any of it. The boy was getting a bit moody so Dave suggested to the boy that he should go for a nap, that they would carry on after lunch. Anne sighed, Alana assured her daughter that it was all okay, he hadn't done any work for two - three weeks so he will get tired and grumpy, but he had done well on his English and maths.

Meanwhile Sam was trying to re-potty Josh, trying being the key word here. Josh, he wasn't fully potty trained during the day and definitely not at night but now he completely relied on the pull up, he used to tell his mummy when he needed a wee or a poop with the occasional odd accident, but not anymore. It was tired sure but maybe Josh isn't a hundred percent ready yet.


When Harry woke up from his nap, he felt a little better than before though he needed to get out of his wet pull up, him of having an accident in his sleep. Hopping out of his bed, Harry went in search of somebody as his bum and bits are getting irritated. Going into the front room Harry found everyone there watching television. "Afternoon Harry babe, what's up?" Anne asked walking over to the young lad. "I need a change Mummy!" Anne chuckled. "Alright then lay down" Harry laid down where he was, Anne making sure that every room had clean pull ups for this precise reason. "Mummy poop" Harry desperately stated as he was being changed. "Good boy, now try and wait a minute while Mummy finishes up" Anne says quickly securing the used nappy and throwing it into a nappy sack before rushing to the toilet with Harry. Anne then quickly placed the boy on the toilet.

As soon as Harry's bottom hit the toilet seat, the boy started grunting and his face started to turn slightly red. Within a moment though Harry had begun his business and was finished in the next five minutes. "Mummy I did a poo in the toilet!" Harry proudly stated as he actually knew he needed to go. "Good boy, thank you for telling mummy, now let's get a pull up on you before any accidents can occur" Anne started picking up the half naked boy.

Anne cleaned Harry up, applying cream to his bottom and bits before placing him in another pull up. Harry snuggled into his mummy as he is being quite cuddly. "Shall we have some toast for lunch.?" Anne question Harry, bouncing the boy on her hip. Harry thought about it, he did feel quite hungry if he was going to be honest with himself. "Uh huh" Harry replied burying his head in the crook of his Mummy's neck. Anne went and made Harry a light snack, deciding to make the boy some soup and lightly buttered toast. Sitting down on the sofa, Anne cuddled her little boy to her side as they watched a quiz game show called Pointless.

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