Chapter 32

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Harry had a very settled night and woke up the next morning happy and as if the last few months hadn't happened. Anne asked if they could take harry out for a bit. The nurse agreed and they decided they would go out after lunch as long as harry was stable. Harry played with some of his toys, coloured his book and watched his cartoons. Anne smiled watching his boy being pretty active and looking as if he was completely healed from his illness. Harry soon decided he wanted a cuddle and snuggled into his mummy. Anne cuddled him happily. He fell asleep and had a nap.

Jay popped down to the canteen to get her and Anne some lunch. A nurse went into the room to check Harry's fluids and TPN she changed the fluid bag as it was almost finished. She set it up and then checked Harry in general, then left the room. Jay came back with her and Anne's lunch. Anne and Jay ate their food.

Harry slept. He had tired himself out from playing that morning. They waited for Harry to wake up. They let him watch cartoons for a while, when he eventually woke, before seeing if a nurse was free to join them. Harry watched his cartoons happily. Later, a nurse came into the room and helped them get Harry ready to go out. Harry wondered where they were going. But decided not to ask and for it to be kept as a surprise for himself.

They went outside, not going anywhere in particular, just for harry to get some fresh air. Harry smiled as his mum pushed his wheelchair. Harry looked around with curious eyes. "Garden?" He asked his nurse, wanting to look at some plants and flowers, not only hospital walls and doors. The nurse smiled and guided them to the garden at the back of the hospital and Harry smiled once they got there, enjoying all the pretty colors and wind blowing softly against his face.

Harry smiled as he relaxed. Anne found a spot she could get harry out of his chair and relax on the grass. Harry laid on the grass, half his body also cuddling his mummy. Jay and the nurse also sat down. All of them enjoying the moment. Anne and Jay took pictures of the moment to send them to their corresponding families so they could see how Harry was doing.

They enjoyed this for around an hour before the heavens opened and it poured. Anne quickly got harry back in the chair and securing him before they went back inside. Harry giggling and enjoying the rain the adults not so much. Anne and Jay got Harry dried, changed and in bed after drying themselves from the rain. The nurse helped with the bags connected to Harry. Harry giggled still hyper from the running they made. He soon came down as he rested. Anne's and Jay's families had replied to them about the pictures.

Harry had another good day and he had a good few days. A couple of vomiting episodes but nothing to dramatic. Anne was really happy seeing Harry actually improving so much. She hoped for it to continue like that and for Harry to keep improving.

Before they knew it was Saturday the day of harry's surprise. Anne was extremely excited for that day. She got up early and got ready for the day. She waited for Harry and Jay to wake up. Soon Jay woke up too and smiled at Anne, knowing what was going to happen that day. They waited for Harry's nurse to go into the room to set the plan for the day and get started with it, knowing they have to monitor Harry during the day until the moment to leave, and do the last check ups on him before they go home for the night with the night shift nurse to help Anne.

Anne packed some of Harry's things quietly. They could leave bits in the room as they were keeping the room for harry open. Harry woke up at around 9 and held his arms out for a cuddle without speaking. Anne had already packed what they would need and went to cuddle Harry, noticing he was silent. She wondered what could be happening but didn't question it, thinking it could upset the boy. She brushed her fingers through his hair as she cuddled him. Harry snuggled into her.

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