Chapter 7

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However the rocking didn't help Harry's tummy as he unfortunately puked all over Alana making the boy cry even more. Gemma grabbed a bowl and held it for her poorly brother while rubbing his back soothingly. The nurse came to check on Harry and Anne, good timing for Anne had a question for the nurse. "I know one adult is allowed to stay with a sick child, is my mum allowed to stay with Harry as I'm unwell myself and can't comfort him?"

The nurse nodded to this as she checked both of their observations. Harry whimpering through the whole ordeal. Dave told Gemma to say goodbye for visiting hours are over now. "Dave!" Alana stated a little loud in fact. "Do you think you can stop by Sam's as all three kid's have also got the bug. Sam rang me earlier to help out but of course I am with Anne, Gemma and Harry" Alana laid down cuddling Harry to her chest once he finished puking his guts out. Alana told him to close his eye's so she began to sing a lullaby she used to sing to her kid's and grand-kids when they were little.

Sam was glad when she saw her dad at the door. "How are Anne and Harry?" Sam questioned as she let her dad and niece inside. "I'll explain later, but your mum said that the kid's were sick so I'm here to help you as well as Gemma. You look exhausted darling" Sam sighed relieved that she had an extra pair of hands. "Thanks Dad. Jackson won't take his medicine, Josh is asleep and Haley won't eat her soup.

I'll go make us a nice hot drink, when you've sorted them out you can tell me what's going on with Anne and Co" Sam commented really wanting to know what's happened, needing a catch up as her mother wouldn't tell her over the phone.

Dave decided to go and see Haley first. Upon entering the young girls bedroom Dave couldn't help but feel sorry for the obviously sick girl. "Haley sweetie why are you not eating you soup?" Dave questioned as he sat on the bed. "Throw it back up" she replied, her throat rather croaky. "Your tummy feeling bad huh? Have some water for Granddad" Dave said to which she sipped rather carefully. "Now I want you to try and eat some soup, if you don't then your stomach won't have anything to throw back up and you won't get better. Eat at least half of it and I will see how you have done when I get back from seeing your brothers" Haley nodded and did as told.

Dave then went to go see Jackson who was sat at his desk on his laptop. "Jackson what are you doing on there? Are you meant to be resting?" Jackson jumped at the voice of his granddad. "Err nothing and I am fine Granddad" Jackson stated looking unsure as he spotted the medicine bottle in his granddad's hands...he hated the taste of the medicine. "Uh huh, so why haven't you taken your medicine young man?" Jackson chuckled nervously. "I don't like it!" whined Jackson huffing as he folded his arms. "Medicine wasn't made to taste nice, it was made to help you. Now open up" Jackson clamped his mouth shut, but with one look from Granddad he opened up and took the medicine, pulling a face as he swallowed it down.

Josh then woke up crying in the baby monitor. Dave went to Josh's room to see him crying and covered in vomit, also could smell a dirty nappy he picked up and comforted the boy.

Sam got Gemma comfortable in front of the tv with some juice and dinner which she quickly made for the girl. "If you need anything just shout hunny" Gemma nodded and went back to watching T.V.Haley had one spoonful of the soup but didn't like how it made her tummy. Her tummy felt all over the place and it wasn't nice. "Mummy! Muuuummmyyyy!" Haley shouted in distress. "What's wrong sweetie?" Sam asked coming into the young girls room. "Granddad says to eat half to help me feel better, tummy feel bad" Sam frowned in sympathy. "Do you need to go potty or throw up?" Haley thought about it "Can I try to go potty?" Haley questioned. "Yeah come on then sweets let's go try potty" Sam took Haley to the bathroom, pulling down the girls pants and lifting the girls nightie up, Sam put her daughter on the toilet and sat on the edge of the bath tub.

A little while later and plenty of belly rubs, Haley managed to go poop. "Stand up so I can clean you up love-bug" Haley jumped off the toilet and stood up, bending over for her mum to clean her backside. "Good job hun, let's get you back to bed and try to eat more soup yeah?" Haley nodded tiredly. "Okay" However after one spoonful of soup Haley unfortunately puked it all up in the bowl of soup that was set in front of her. Sam rubbed her daughter's back as she puked everything out of her system.

Dave was cleaning Josh up and ran him a bath one handed which was a struggle as the little boy kept squirming around and whining down his ear hole. Luckily Jackson was asleep.... well for now anyway. Sam and Dace knew very well that they were in for a very busy night and that is a fact.

Meanwhile back at the hospital Alana was comforting Harry who had already puked two more times, Anne kept trying to get up, wanting nothing more but to comfort her very sick little boy, but Alana could tell that her daughter is still under the weather so she told Anne to get some sleep while herself tends to Harry.

Back with Sam and Dave along with the sick children, poor Jackson didn't sleep for long and woke up just to throw vomit everywhere, his body let him throw up everywhere with no warning that he needed to get rid of the nasty stuff out of his system that his body didn't want. Jackson groaned as he vomited all over himself, he hated getting sick and he wished with all his strength that he could get this sickness bug over and done with as he misses his friends and surprisingly school. Sam had just got Haley back to sleep but then paused as she heard vomiting, checking it out only to see her son throwing up all over himself which must be the millionth time today.

Anne woke up from her sleep and vomited slightly thankfully in one of those sick bowls she had at the side of her for this precise moment. Oh how she wished to be better, all she wanted was to cuddle up with her sick baby boy, her daughter is all better now and sometime soon so will she but Harry keeps on getting worse, though sometimes he shows signs of becoming better just to fall down heavy with the sickness again. Looking over she saw that Alana had fallen asleep with Harry cuddled into her chest, what a sight to wake up to. Pulling her hospital bed sheets off Anne headed towards the adjoined bathroom to go do her business, only to come back through five minutes later to her mother tending to a sick Harry.

"How is he mum?" Anne asked hopping back into her bed as her mum would have her head if she even tried coming over to Harry. "He's had a good sleep though he's showing signs of getting better so the whole hydrating him with fluids must of helped him, though I can't say for certain how long of him feeling this better will last" Alana sighed tucking Harry back in who stared blankly at the ceiling. "Yeah me neither" Anne agreed.

Anne sighed and got herself back to bed, feeling a little exhausted and ill herself. Anne shut her eyes and fell back to sleep. Alana coming over to tuck her daughter up securely before sitting down and continuing her crosswords.

Sam sighed albeit tiredly and cleaned Jackson up helping bathe him which he was too ill to be embarrassed by. Usually Jackson would put up one hell of a fight to not let his own mother see his boy parts no matter how much she says that "She's seen it all before" Jackson didn't care, but sick Jackson just wanted to be taken care of and cared for by his Mum. "There we go big boy all clean, now let's go find some more pajamas for you so you can try to go back to sleep again yeah?" Jackson just shrugged but let his mum pick him up either way.

Carrying her eldest to the boy's bedroom, Sam laid Jackson onto his bed while she went in search for some pajamas, coming back with a pair of stripy shorts with matching short sleeved top. "Let me help you sweets" Jackson just merely nodded, letting his mum dress him into his pajamas and tuck him up into bed. "Try and get some sleep, sleep is the best medicine" Sam kissed her sick baby boy's head and left the room, not before leaving the door open a crack, going to check on her other two babies.

As Sam came out of the boys room, Dave came into Jackson's room and let the boy cuddle him as Dave could tell the boy was having difficulty getting back to sleep. With a little story and rocking motions, Jackson soon fell asleep. Sam smiled at the scene in front of her, Sam peeping into her eldest son after checking up on Josh and Haley who seemed to be fast asleep. It was now peaceful both at Sam's house and the hospital...well for now anyway, but either way Alana, Dave and Sam are going to enjoy the peacefulness as long as they can.

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