Chapter 34

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After one more week, Anne and Jay were 100% better. Anne could go to see how Harry was doing. Both women knew Louis was also in the hospital still fighting severe dehydration and was on the mend from the bug. Anne went to see Harry in his room. Jay split her time every day between being with Louis and Troy in Louis' hospital room and helping Anne with Harry in Harry's hospital room. Louis was much better but was still throwing up so they kept the boy on fluids for the moment. Louis was mainly sleeping. Jay and Troy were there with him. Lottie, Fizzy and Carly visited frequently too.

At some point that week Sam visited the hospital and was finally allowed to visit Harry in his room and help Anne with him as neither of them nor Jay had the bug anymore. Harry was happy to see his aunty and cuddled her. He was over the bug but was still suffering badly having flare up of his condition. He snuggled into his aunty. Sam smiled as she stroked his hair. "Your cousins miss you Harry. The ask for you every day" Sam said "Miss'em too, auntie Sam" Harry said still snuggled into his aunty's side. Anne smiled looking at both of them. "You can bring them any time." Anne said to her sister. Harry's face lit at that and he nodded excitedly. "I'll find the right time" Sam said. During her visit, Sam and Harry watched cartoons, made artsy stuff and played games in bed. They had so much fun. Harry was slowly back to his giggling happy self.

Later that day, while Sam was still there. Dave, Alana and Gemma visited Harry and Anne too and joined Sam and Harry in their activities, loving to see Harry having fun and giggling again. Sam offered Gemma to take her to her home to play with her cousins, since Gemma hadn't seen them either. Gemma agreed and Sam took her to her's, leaving Alana and Dave to stay with Anne and Harry.

Gemma was looking forward to seeing Jackson, Hayley and Josh as she hadn't seen them since Josh's 2nd birthday, which Harry sadly missed out on the month before. She was chatting to her auntie in the car as they drove to collect the three of them.

Harry snuggled up to his grandparents letting Anne rest. Jay smiled at them and they interacted with Harry. Harry was happy he could have family visiting him again and that his mummy was better again too. He wished they could be home soon, though. But he never said anything about it and brushed it off not wanting to ruin the good mood he was in without flare ups. Anne was just tired so they left her sleeping. The nurse checked Harry regularly.

That same day, Louis went back home from the hospital, he was recovering from his nasty bout of the bug. Troy took care of him at home. Lottie and Fizzy tried their best to help with Louis too because they didn't want their little brother to be apart from them again. It was already too much for them to not have Jay all the time with them, for the bug to get into him or any of them again and separate them again. They cuddled Louis who was exhausted and still suffering from a slight fever and the odd few vomiting episodes. They watched movies and cartoons, played games.

They had dinner and the three kids went to sleep all together, camping downstairs in the living room. Troy relaxed while they were all sleeping and thanked his mother in law for everything she had done. Carly told him not to worry about it, that she was glad to help whenever they needed her. Troy smiled at her. Carly went home

Sam had picked her kids up with Gemma, and they were all chatting about their school day, excitingly. "How's harry, mum?" Jackson asked then. "He's doing better with his condition. Still at hospital, though. But very giggling and playful today. Isn't he Gems?" Gemma nodded and told her cousins everything she did while visiting Harry that day. Hayley asked her mum if they could visit Harry too. Sam promised to take them to see Harry soon.They just had to wait for a day when Harry was feeling good.

They arrived at Sam's home and went to play after leaving their shoes and backpacks at the door. The four kids were happy to be together again, though they didn't feel complete as Harry wasn't with them. Sam sat on the sofa and smiled, watching them play together. Soon it was time for dinner and Sam stood up and went to the kitchen to see what she could make for the family. She decided to make something simple as bangers and mashed potatoes with a side salad. Sam called them through when it was ready and they washed their hands before sitting at the table. Everyone ate their dinner and went to get ready for bed. Hayley and Gemma shared a room. The house was peaceful.

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