Chapter 13

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Weeks later Harry had been on and off sickness though he was mostly the happy hyperactive little boy Anne gave birth to most of the time. This week is going to be spent up with finding a new house for Anne and new schools as Anne wanted a new start for her and the kids, getting rid of Des is probably the best thing she has ever done, now all she has to do is make a new start for herself, and you might never know even meet a new guy along the way. However half way the through the week Harry had a bad turn while he was with Dave, he couldn't stop throwing up not even managing to keep water down. He got severely dehydrated poor boy. Dave rushed the boy to A and E and booked him in to paediatric A and E before calling Anne.


Anne is with her mum looking at this amazing three bedroom house as she answered the phone call, Gemma being at school. "Hi dad, we have found.....' Anne started. "Anne sweetie sorry to cut you of but I have a sobbing Harry in A and E" Dave said as he had the phone held between his ear and shoulder as he held a bowl under Harry's chin. "Is he alright?" Anne asked worriedly. "he is severely dehydrated from vomiting so much today" Dave explained as Harry started puking again for what felt like the millionth time, this couldn't get any better.

Anne had quickly got her stuff together, she head to go see her baby boy now! Like this instant! "Dad I'm on my way" Anne fretted climbing into her car and driving off to the hospital. While Anne drove past speed limits without getting caught, Harry had finally fallen asleep in his granddads arms while they were waiting to see a Doctor.

When Anne finally reached the hospital, got given the directions to her son's room number and opened the door only to reveal her sick baby boy, Alana had to calm her daughter down before anything else as her youngest was getting all worked up. "But mum, he needs me....he's my little boy and...and" Anne stopped as a voice cut her off. "Anne? Can we have a talk with you?" Anne turned around to see two police officers and a doctor with sullen looks written all over their face. Confused Anne followed them either way.


In the room the doctor had them put, Anne looked around a little scared. "There is no easy way to say this, but your son will be put into foster care" Anne nearly fainted, did the male officer just say that her baby boy is going to be put into foster care? "How come?" Anne said through tears, unable to keep her breathing steady. "We believe" the offer started. "That someone in the household is making Harry sick and has Munchhausen syndrome" Anne felt her chest getting tight, what in the flaming hell is going on here?Anne felt all panicky and clammy. "You will at least be able to see Harry twice a week for supervised visits' the doctor explained trying to not make it sound as bad as it actually is turning out to be.


Harry was lying alone when he woke up in an unfamiliar bed with this thing in his hand which hurt a little bit. Harry cried immediately, starting to shout out for his mummy. A nurse came and tried to comfort Harry, trying being the key word as no matter how many times the nurse told the young boy to calm down before he makes himself sick, Harry wouldn't listen.


At hearing the news once the police where done with Anne, Alana hugged her distraught daughter and tried to ring her husband. The stay over at the hospital wasn't really pleasant but when it was time for Harry to go to a foster home, the boy felt all better...well not fully better as he's going away from his mummy. Even though the two people that fostered him seemed very nice it still wasn't his mummy who he kissed of hugged goodnight.

The first day he was there he didn't puke but the question long would that last?Harry had been fostered into this lovely family, a loving mum who is a nurse and has a couple of weeks off anyway to help get Harry settled, she had a son around Harry's age named Louis and two older siblings in their teens named Felicite and Charlotte...But he wasn't Harry's mummy, he wanted his mummy, Gemmy and his grandparents.

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