Chapter 22

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Sorry it has been so long since this story was updated.  Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on this story.  This has been written by myself and @belen2805 in Google docs. 

The next day, Harry was still the same. Troy took the rest of the kids to school as Louis woke up fine. Jay kept Harry hydrated and changed his nappies everytime the boy used them. Jay got Harry to take sips of water, he managed to keep some down for a few hours and got some decent rest. Jay got some house jobs done during this time. However when the boy woke he projectile vomited everywhere including getting the bed the wall. Jay came in and comforted the boy. She sighed and decided to take him back to hospital as he was dehydrated and she needed answers.

Harry was so dehydrated that his head started to throb painfully and he even got really weak and tired. So tired, he couldn't keep his eyes open. Jay quickly made a bag with everything they could need and rushed out to the car to take Harry to the hospital.

They got in the car and Jay buckled Harry in and placed a bucket on the poorly boy's lap as she got in the driver's seat. She drove to the hospital. She called Troy on speaker phone asking him to meet her at A & E as Harry was really poorly. Of course during the drive to the hospital Harry was very sick and the bucket overflowed but Jay would sort this out once they were at hospital.

When they arrived Jay booked him in. They were shown to a cubicle and a nurse and dr shortly came to examine Harry. 'Harry needs to be admitted for tests, this isn't just a stomach bug." Jay demanded to the Dr.

Looking at and listening to the seriousness on Jay's face and tone of voice, the dr did as she said, and sent the boy to run as many tests as needed, according to his current symptoms. They needed to rule out as many illnesses as possible and find the real one to give him the correct treatment. In the meantime, Troy arrived after having left the other kids at school. "How is he?" He asked. "Currently trying to rule out as many illnesses as possible" Jay said worriedly and impatiently.

Harry was currently having an ultrasound and was being admitted to the children's ward where they will organise some more tests over the next couple of days. Troy nodded and was glad they were finally having some tests. Jay rang her mum to pick the kids all up from school.

Carly picked the kids up from school and took them to her home to take care of them during the time Harry would stay in the hospital with Jay and Troy.  

Troy and Jay stayed in the waiting room of the guard, waiting for an answer from the doctors after the first tests. They did the ultrasound and then wheeled Harry into the cubicle on the children's ward and called Jay and Troy in saying other tests would be arranged in the coming week as there were no spots that day for the tests. Jay nodded and thanked the dr. "I assume one of us will be able to stay overnight," Jay said. "Of course, we will leave him hooked up to fluids for now and the nurse will be in shortly." The dr informed them.

Troy decided on leaving Jay with Harry, as she was a nurse and had more knowledge and understanding on medical stuff than him. He left the ward after everything with Harry was settled and Jay was well to be left with Harry. He drove back to Carly's home to check on the kids and gave Carly updates on Harry's current state, wishing he could do the same with Anne. But he didn't have any way to contact her directly.

Troy decided they would contact the social worker the next day to inform her and they could decide to let Anne know. "Where, Harry daddy?" louis asked. "Is poorly again and had to go to hospital, mummy stayed with him." Louis nodded sadly and cuddled his dad. Then he remembered something. "Harry's teddy not with him, daddy!" He said worriedly, wanting to help his friend be comfortable and get better soon. Troy looked at him and decided to take him with him to look for the mentioned stuffed animal. Louis ran in, knowing where it was and ran back out to the car for Troy to take the teddy to Harry.

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