Chapter 21

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Louis woke up the next day all hyper around 7 and hungry. Harry was still asleep. Jay woke up upon listening to her hyper boy. She went out of the room and smiled at Louis. She then held his hand and helped him downstairs to the kitchen to make him breakfast. She gave him some cereal and milk and started with breakfast for herself and the rest.

Once Louis had finished breakfast, she sat the boy in front of cartoons. "Can we wake Harry up, mummy" Louis asked. "I'm afraid not. Let him sleep and then he will play once he is awake" Jay said. Louis sighed "Ok, fine" he said and watched his cartoons. Later on, everyone else was awake and downstairs. Harry woke up and walked into the living room knowing Louis was there. He sat next to the younger boy and cuddled him while watching cartoons too.

Morning, Harry. Do you want some breakfast?" Jay asked the boy. Harry nodded and Jay made the boy breakfast. Harry ate it. Once Harry had eaten Jay let the boys watch tv for a bit and then she took them upstairs and got them washed and dressed, giving them both a bath. They wanted to share one and who was Jay to deny them that. They played in the bathtub with Louis' toys and also had a little water fight, squealing and giggling loudly all along. Jay then took them out of the tub, dried them and dressed them for the day. Troy then took them out to the backyard to play for a bit. They decided on a little kickball. Louis was very gentle with the ball and careful for it not to go in the air.

They soon went on the swing and slide in the garden and really enjoyed themselves. Harry giggled happily all the time they played together. He really enjoyed being friends with Louis. "So, what play next?" He asks, still playing, taking turns to come down from the slide.

"We can ask my mummy if we can make something and use one of my art sets" Louis said, thinking of all the good ones he had. Harry nodded at this so they went and asked Jay. "Let's wash your hands first and have lunch." Jay said just as her mum brought the older girls home. "But..." Harry groaned "Ok, Jay Jay" He said, not wanting to complain and show himself as naughty. Jay took both boys to help them in the bathroom. Once done there, she went back to finish cooking and set the table for them to eat together, inviting her mum to join them too.

Carly nodded and thanked her daughter. Jay made cheese toastie for everyone which they all enjoyed using the gluten free bread for Harry. "Tank'oo Jay Jay! T'was so yummy!" Harry said excitedly once he finished his food. Then he waited patiently for the table to be cleared up and the art set to be set up for him and Louis to start with their artwork. They started off doing some sand art. Felicity helped Harry peel off the stickers and then he chose the colour sand to put on each section.

Harry was bouncing happily on his chair as he worked on the sand art. Then they moved on to some painting, every time with help of the older girls and the adults in the house. Finally they did some clay sculptures, which they had to let dry while they went to the bathroom to clean themselves up. Once cleaned they went looking for what else to do until dinner time.

They ended up watching some tv while Jay cooked dinner. Soon they were all called in and sat at the table. "School tomorrow, Jay Jay?" Harry asked cutely. He really wanted to go back and be with his friends and Louis at school. Though he knew school was being hard for him lately. "We'll see, little man." Troy answered instead. They all ate dinner and got ready to go to bed.

The next morning they all woke up. "Harry, two options, you can go to school or we can work on some of that work you have been given here" Jay said. Harry whined. He really wanted to go see his friends and be with Louis at lunch. But, he had still work to do at home. "Stay here, Jay Jay" He sighed knowing it was the only way to catch up with what his classmates were currently learning, and it would make school easier for him. "Of course harry lets get you washed and dressed and we will get on with the work." Harry nodded and got up and used the bathroom and got dressed and then had some breakfast.

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