Chapter 9

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"Harry is going to be just fine. He just needs more time sweetie is all" Anne explained. Gemma nodded as she snuggled into her mum's side Jackson is doing homework and Haley is watching T.V. They had one of the girl's mum drop the three of them off after school due to Harry taking most of their time up, not like anyone was whining about that. Harry had puked in his sleep without knowing and accidentally rolled in it. His body is still reacting to being in the car. He also went for a wee in his nappy while He was in a deep sleep which would sure surprise him when he wakes up.

When Harry did wake up he wasn't pleased or a happy bunny at all. Waking up to be caked in vomit and noticing that he had wet his nappy wasn't very pleasant at all. Letting out a few sobs Harry cried, when no one appeared Harry's crying turned into shouts and screaming, working himself up that much he had thrown up a little bit. Hearing the commotion Anna and Dave both ran upstairs. Opening up the spare bedroom door the two adults where met with a very distraught Harry.

Anne sighed at seeing the state of her son and rushed over to comfort the boy. Dave ran and grabbed the rubbish bin, holding it under Harry's chin in case he needed to puke some more. Gemma wanted to go up and see if her baby brother is alright, but was told by her grandma she could see her brother soon and can come help her make soup that is her own recipe. Gemma nodded to this, something to put her mind off her sick brother.

Sam is helping Jackson with homework and it happened to be Maths homework that Jackson is stuck on. Sam is no good in maths for that's usually Jacob's job or Dave's but they are busy with Harry/work so that really just left herself. Haley is still watching T.V though she is getting bored and hungry. In the Kitchen Gemma is following her grandma's instructions and helped make her grandma's special soup as it's Harry's favorite.

Alana smiled at her little helper. Haley came over to get mum and told her she was hungry. Sam said she will make her something in just a minute as she was just helping. Haley nodded and went back to watching her program, Josh had fallen asleep on the floor half an hour ago. Meanwhile Harry threw up into the bin Dave held out in front of him...He hated this and his tummy felt weird. By weird it felt like...well he didn't know. "Mummy my tummy feels weird!" Harry whined still covered in his sick. "Do you need to throw up?" Dave asked bin at the ready. "Nu uh" Harry shook his head. "Hmm do you need to go poopy?" Anne asked though Harry just shrugged. "Do you want a belly rub huh?" Dave suggested putting the bin down and kneeling in front of Harry. "Uh huh!" Harry nodded vigorously.

Dave pressed his hand on the boys tummy and started to rub the boys tummy gently. Another five minute belly rub later and Harry felt pressure build up in his tummy, and before he knew it he had let out a loud burp and a fart. "Haha aww baby you just had some trapped wind" Anne cooed making Harry giggle as now he felt much better. Anne smiled as she hadn't heard or seen a giggle out of the boy for awhile. 'Do you want to have a bath now' Anne asked with a gentle smile. Harry nodded and held his arms out. "I'll carry you to the bathroom Harry and leave you with mummy to clean you" Dave concluded as he has things to be doing himself and dinner so sort out.

Harry nodded and Anne grabbed some supplies while Dave carried Harry to the bathroom sat Harry on the floor while Anne ran the bath. Dave then headed downstairs to see what everyone else is up to. "Granddad hungry" Haley said as she saw him. Dave laughed, he was about to go to the kitchen to see what's for dinner when Sam called him back. "Actually dad can we swap? Jackson is stuck on his maths homework and you know what I am like" Sam chuckled making Dave shake his head amused. "Of course hun" Dave replied as he walked over to Jackson. "So what do we have here then?" Dave asked as he sat next to his grandson, Sam going off into the kitchen to start on dinner. They had all agreed upon Pasta Bake though Harry had to have his Grandma's special soup as his immune system isn't ready for something so heavy so soon.

Upstairs Harry is enjoying a nice warm bath, getting rid of all the ickiness and sweat from his body, giggling as his Mummy tickled his tickle spots. "I can tell your feeling better little man, I keep hearing these goggles coming from you. "Harry smiled, he did feel better...well better than previous times he's had this bug anyway.

Harry snuggled into his mum as she dried him, taping a nappy on the boy once Harry is dry. "Aunty Sam" Gemma questioned eyes on the pan of soup. "Yes Gemma?" Sam answered back all the while cooking the pasta. "Can I help make dinner?" Gemma said bored of stirring the soup now, the exciting part over and done with. "What about the soup for Haz?" Alana said asked with a frown. "It's boring now Grandma, the exciting parts are over!" Gemma announced rather dramatically. "Well finish the soup off first as I know a certain little boy who seems to be in a good mood at the moment and should be hungry. Gemma nodded, sharing a smile. Yeah, she'll finish the soup as it's for her brother. Haley kept moaning about being hungry as the smell of food isn't helping her predicament.

Meanwhile Jackson showed his granddad his homework, Dave giving pointers to his grandson and helping him work out the problems that the boy seemed to be struggling with. "Ah yeah I get it now Granddad, thank you!" Dave ruffled the boys hair and waited patiently for the boy is bound to get stuck again. Anne dressed Harry and put him in a pull up after placing cream on a nasty rash coming up on his bottom and boy parts. They then went downstairs and Alana asked him if he wanted her special chicken soup. Harry nodded vigorously as he is actually hungry for once. Alana made him a small bowl so if he wanted more he could without feeling sick.

The pasta bake was ready as well so Sam served that up before calling everyone in and finding Josh fast asleep in the back room. Sam cooed and left the sleeping boy alone as she had baby food in her bag if the boy woke up hungry. Harry sat with his family, though slightly unhappy as everyone is having Pasta Bake, something he loves but he accepted it as he is still on the road to recovery. Harry had eaten about half a bowl of soup before almost falling asleep in it. "Mum Harry being naughty" Hayley pointed out looking at her older cousin. "No Izzy he isn't. Harry is just tired" Sam laughed as her daughter pulled an "Oh" look on her face. Anne looked over at what the two were talking about, only to look over at her little boy. "someone needs their bed" Anne chuckled, thank god then that Dave had changed the bed sheets earlier.

Picking her baby boy up, Anne carried her tired son to bed, the guest room where Harry usually stays when having a sleep over at his grandma's house. Gently laying him down Anne checked the boys nappy and found it empty. Tucking the boy up under the covers Anne made sure the bed side lamp is turned on before kissing the boys forehead and leaving the bedroom, the door being left open a crack so they can hear Harry shouting if he is in any distress.

Anne then went back downstairs and spent time with her parents and Gemma. Sam started saying her goodbyes to everyone as she took her three kid's home. Sam had carefully put Josh in his pyjamas without waking the toddler as she carried him out to the car. "Right so who's on cleaning duty then?" Dave commented clapping his hands together. "I'll help Granddad! I'll wash up the dishes!" Gemma volunteered. "I shall dry then" Alana proclaimed, the pair heading to the kitchen. Anne and Dave set back into the sofa, drinking their hot drinks. Today has been one hell of a day.

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