Chapter 23

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After some time Harry whined in his sleep. Troy comforted the boy and rolled him onto his side. He looked at him even closer and frequently, in case he needed to call a nurse before the next routine check. He smiled at the sleeping boy as he calmed him back to sleep. Then he went to his phone again. Jay left the bathroom freshened up and changed. She smiled at her husband and Harry.

"Troy are you ok to stay with Harry tonight, would really want to see Lou and the girls" Jay said. "Of course darling" Jay thanked her husband and then asked him if he wanted anything from the canteen. "A coffee, maybe. I already had double breakfast thanks to this sleeping little monkey over here" He said giggling quietly. Jay giggled too and went out to the canteen. Few minutes later she was back in the room, she gave Troy his coffee, gathered her stuff and left after kissing Harry's forehead and Troy's lips.

Troy gave Jay the picture that Harry made for the kids. "Keep me updated." Jay said. "Sure, I will. Now go to the kids. There's a little dude missing everyone like crazy. Oh, by the way. Maybe you should call your mum to let her know you are home. So, either she can drop the kids at home after school or you can pick them up" Troy advised her. "Thanks I will." Jay said as she left walking to the car and phoning her mum on loud speaker. Her mum picked up.

"Hello, darling" she greeted. "Hi mum. Calling to let you know I'm driving home from the hospital at the moment. So, I'm planning on picking all the kids up from school later. I want to surprise them" Jay told her. "Oh, that's great. They're going to love it. How's Harry, by the way?" Carly said. "He is good. A little hyper when he woke up. But, napping at the moment. Troy is staying with him tonight" Jay updated her. "Glad he is having a good day, give me a shout if you need anything" Carly said. "Sure, I will. Thank you mum" Jay said and hung up. She arrived home and began doing the house chores needed to be done around. Jay sighed seeing what a state the house was in.

Troy had tried his best but she could see it was dusty and needed a hover. She set to work. She cleaned all the house from bottom to top. Once it was ready, she took a shower, changed her clothes, rested for a while and then went her way to the school to pick her children up. She stood up at the main gate and waited for her kids.

Louis came out and smiled as he saw his mummy at the gate. "Hazzie home mummy" he beamed. "I'm afraid he's still poorly. Daddy is with him. Let's go and get your sisters" Jay said. Louis pouted but nodded, holding Jay's hand and following her to the area his sisters' classrooms were.

They came out and Jay decided to take them all to the park as it was a nice day and she needed to distract Louis. Jay started driving once all of them were in the car. She stopped and parked at the park, letting the girls go their own ways, but keeping them at sight's reach while she went with Louis to the play area. Jay pushed louis on the swing before helping him with the monkey bars. Louis squealed and giggled all the time while on the games. After going on the slide, he smiled. "Sand, mummy" he asked pointing to the sandbox across from them. They went over to the sandbox and Louis had fun playing. Then they went to find the girls to go back home. They got in the car and Jay started driving. Once at home, Jay started cooking dinner and the kids went to take a shower and get dressed in their pj's. They enjoyed a lovely evening at home. Then they went to bed. Louis, of course, sneaked into his mummys bed


The social worker was trying to arrange a supervised visit for Anne. Anne asked her for a visit as soon as possible at least for only her. She wasn't sure if she would be allowed to take Gemma with her in the current situation. "I will do my best, I will see what I can arrange." the social worker said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much" Anne said, extremely grateful about being given the opportunity to go visit her son she misses like crazy. "No worries we will be in contact with you with the details." Anne thanked her once more before hanging the phone. She waited patiently for the moment she would receive the details of the visit. Although she was really excited. She was also very worried about her boy. The social worker started to work on the visit arrangement. She scheduled it for three days later and sent Anne the details once she got them.

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