Chapter 35

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Over the next week or so Harry was up and down. The social worker had said to do some of Harry's work if he was up to it but not put pressure on him. The day had finally arrived for Anne to be able take Harry home for one night and she was so excited. She woke up early and got their stuff ready to leave later. She talked to Harry's nurse for the night who was going to stay with them, helping her. Then she waited for Harry to wake up.

Harry soon stirred, Anne brushed his hair and made sure a bowl was nearby just in case. She was understanding his condition much more now and wasn't as worried if he puked. Harry puke a bit. Anne helped him clean his face and wash his mouth with some water. Then they cuddled a bit. She hadn't told him about them going home for the night, knowing any sudden change of emotion could make him get sick. She was going to manage that topic with ease throughout the day.

Harry watched TV for a bit cuddled up to his mum. Anne cuddled the boy. She was a bit worried how he would be in the hospital transport way home. She decided that, once Harry takes a nap, she would talk to the nurse to ask her to give Harry some medicine for his travel sickness through the IV.


Meanwhile, Alana and Dave had taken Gemma back to Anne's house just saying they wanted to tidy it up a bit as it would be dusty. No one let on to Gemma it was happening. First off, it was a surprise. And, secondly, it could change depending on how Harry was. Gemma helped tiding the rooms while Alana tidied the rest of the house and Dave tidied the front and back gardens. Then they sat to do some activities to distract themselves until Anne and Harry arrived.

Alana and Dave decided to put a movie on and let Gemma pick it. She decided on some Disney's Classic. Gemma hadn't questioned why they stayed there and hadn't gone back to her grandparents. Alana and Dave were glad about that. They knew the surprise would make her happy. Alana had made some lunch for everyone. They had lunch together and went to find something else to do. They all started playing a board game. They decided on Scrabble. They were all having so much fun. Alana and Dave were happy they could easily distract Gemma and were eager to have Harry back with them for the night.


Harry napped around lunch time. The nurses kept an eye on Harry while Anne went to the canteen to grab herself a quick bite to eat. Once she had eaten it, she asked one of the nurses on the ward about giving harry anti sickness before they travel home. The nurse said she will check with the Dr. The doctor agreed to give Harry the medicine and told the nurse to calculate the doses according to the duration of the travel before to make sure it doesn't stop working before they arrived.

It was around another hour and Harry woke from his nap. Anne smiled and cuddled the boy. He paled slightly and Anne grabbed the bowl for harry to throw up in. She comforted the boy. Harry threw up for 5 minutes and laid back in Anne's arms, exhausted. Anne hoped Harry didn't have another episode and for him to be ok to travel. She really wanted to have her kids together at home.

The nurse checked Harry's vitals and they let him cuddle Anne for around half hour before they decided to let Harry gently know about that night. Anne cuddled Harry. "Do you want to see Gemma, grandma and grandpa tonight, baby?" Anne asked softly, trying her hardest not to spill the news all at once. Harry nodded happily and waited for more to be said. "It won't be at the hospital, though" Anne said. "Park again?" harry said. "No darling. While you were with Auntie Jay, Mummy found a new house for us all to stay in" Anne started saying. "Oh... We going there?" Harry said, beaming. Anne nodded and Harry's smile grew wider as he clapped happily.

Harry hugged his mummy. "When?" Harry asked. "Soon darling, but we have to come back here tomorrow" Anne told him. Harry sighed not liking that idea, but knowing and understanding it was for his best. "See Gemgem?" harry asked. "Tonight you'll see Gemgem, grandma and grandpa. And you'll sleep on your own bed. How does that sound?" Anne asked as they hugged. Harry nodded and hugged his mum. "What room look like?" harry asked. "It is blue and orange. With stickers of your favourite movies and cartoons on the walls. You have a toy chest for your toys and a white desk of your own. All your stuffed animals are placed around the room. You are going to love it baby. You also have your own bathroom in there and a big white closet for all your clothes." Anne said. Harry smiled widely imagining everything. Harry hugged his mum, thanking her. The dr came in to do the last checks before they would go and the nurse would hook up the anti-nausea medication.

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