Chapter 10

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Gemma and Alana did the dishes before retreating to the lounge where the family are watching t.v. It was soon getting to be the time for Gemma to go to bed, so when the program they were all watching ended, Gemma said his good nights to everyone before heading upstairs to get ready for bed and sleep. With the kids all in bed, the adults just relaxed for a bit, in between watching programs and talking one of them checked on Harry but he is fast asleep which they were glad about as the boy seemed to be missing out on his sleep, plus sleep is the best medicine.

Alana and Dave were still in the house that they were in when Anne and Sam were kids so there are four bedrooms in the house. Dave and Alana shared one, Anne got her old room from when she was a young girl which is now refurbished, Harry got one room with two single beds situated in the room and Gemma got the other room with two single beds, so when Jackson, Josh and Haley come over along with Anne's kids for a sleepover, they can all fit.

Sam is pleased when Jacob got in from work, but it was after both Haley and Josh were in bed asleep. Josh had stayed asleep the whole time, through dinner, the drive way home and brought up into bed.

Sam patted the seat next to her on the sofa signalling Jacob to come over and sit next to her. "Good day at work babe?" Sam asked as she got comfy next to her husband. "Yeah same old I guess. How is Anne and the kids doing?" Jacob replied knowing what Anne and everyone is going through. "Oh they are fine, Harry is on the mend and back home, though Anne doesn't have a home as she can't stand going back there as you know what happened" Sam sighed sadly.

"Well in the upcoming weeks I along with many others like your mum and dad are going to help Anne, where going to find a new home for her and the kids where they can feel carefree and have their own space. I mean probably with the new home in place Anne might start up work again" Jacob suggested wanting to help his sister in law. "Thanks we will definitely be helping Anne and once Harry is a hundred percent, we will help her as we have already offered for you to pick Gemma up on the school run" Sam said loving to help out others, especially family.

Anne relaxed much more now Harry is home and away from all the nurses that prod him every ten minutes and shove medicine down his throat, though there is that question of would it stay like this or would Harry end up sick again...who knows. That evening turned out to be a pretty uneventful evening luckily.

Anne, Alana and Dave all went to bed around midnight near enough, Harry had slept the whole night through without any incidents which everyone seemed pleased about and is still asleep when Anne was getting Gemma ready for school as Jacob will be turning up soon to drop Gemma off at school.

Jacob got his kids ready and fed before getting in the car and then drove round to Alana and Dave's to collect Gemma. Gemma though it seemed wanted to stay with Harry but Anne told her they could do something after school if Harry seemed up to it. Gemma didn't know how long its been since the last time she's had a Harry Hug or played with her little brother, all she knew is that its driving her insane and if she didn't get her Harry Hug soon......she's gonna scream! Worse yet...pull her own hair out! and no girl wanted that.

Gemma didn't have any more time to dwell on the facts as the doorbell went, her Grandma called her over saying that her Uncle had arrived to take her to school. Sam is enjoying some peace and quite for once. Jacob had even taken the liberty to take Josh with him to allow her a lie in oh she had a wonderful husband. Jacob didn't start work till 11, so had decided to do the school run and take Josh out and take him back home around 10ish to give his wife a nice long lie in with no worries....Like Pumba and Timon says....Hakunna Matatta.Anne was pleased Harry was getting some well needed sleep, as he is exhausted and is still recovering from his terrible illness.

How lucky is she to have a family that is willing to help her do so much, what did she even do to deserve all this? Well Anne promised herself that as soon as she can she will look for a house and move out as soon as she could. Anne didn't want her mum and dad surrounded by kids all the time, everyone needs a break from noisy/sick children once in a while, she didn't want her mum and dad in the mist of it all. However Alana and Dave were loving the fact of having their Grand-kids around, Alana had told Anne to go for a nice relaxing bath while she could and that if Harry happened to wake up and need anything, she will take care of it.Jacob dropped the three kid's at school and then took Josh to the park.

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