Chapter 4

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Back at school Nurse Joy had gotten swarmed by loads of sickly looking kids, well some of them claimed they where sick just to get off of school but Nurse Joy wouldn't let it get past her.

That day, Nurse Joy had to send a few more kid's home due to the sickness bug that seems to be going around school, though no one had gotten it quite as bad as Harry did.

Anne thanked Sam for getting her the much needed supplies and then said goodbye to her sister, leaving Sam to get back into the car. Haley started whimpering slightly in her sleep as Sam started the engine, eyebrows furrowing in worry.

Anne went inside and shut the front door putting the supplies away before checking her phone. Looking at her phone Anne paused, steam coming out of her ears...let's say she is fuming if where putting things lightly.

Why is Anne fuming.... Well a certain husband of hers 'ahem' Des said he is going to be working late tonight....this did not settle with Anne one bit, she has a sick little boy to care for and she is so far doing it all on her own...what the hell happened to Harry having his daddy around?

Back with Sam on her trip home, the woman hoped the trip hadn't made Haley sick again she sighed as she got her foot into gear, checking her watch for the time.

Jackson Sam's eldest son at age ten, missed his cousin and buddy at lunch time, I mean they played football together and well did everything together as they are best of friends and very close cousins.

Anne sighed as she saw the message again pondering on what to do, the woman soon came to the conclusion of ringing one of Gemma's friends parent's to pick her up, if they could that is. "Hello? Hi Jess it's Gemma's mum. Could there be a possibility that you could pick Gemma up from school? You see Des is working late and Harry is sick. Thank you Jess, and yeah he'll be fine" Anne hung up, putting her phone in her pocket Anne made her way to Harry's room who is in need of a change and has also vomited all over himself and the bed.

The sick boy obviously rolled in it while he had slept. Anne gently woke the boy and had the bucket at reach just in case, which proved the right move for as soon as Harry was sat up his stomach rebelled and expelled all it's contents into the bucket. "M-mummy I feel bad!" Harry exclaimed his breaths heavy and his throat dry after throwing up.

"I know baby I know. Are you feeling a little better after that?" Questioned Anne not wanting to move the bucket away but did at Harry's gentle nod.

Harry did feel a little better after throwing up, but he didn't feel like eating, playing or anything. He just wanted to lay down and be cuddled by his Mummy. "Cuddle Mummy!" whined Harry making grabby hands. "I wish I could Harry baby, but I have dinner to do. How about you let Mummy change your stinky nappy before going downstairs and putting Curious George on with a drink of cold water huh? And before you know it Gemma will be home!" Compromised Anne with a little reassuring smile of hers.

"Okay" Harry replied back, thumb firmly in his mouth as Anne carried him to the changing matt on the floor.

Anne changed Harry's pooey nappy, once done Harry put his arm's up to be carried in which Anne obliged but told him to bum shuffle down the stairs. Harry did but didn't have much energy so he got tired out when reaching the bottom which Anne carried him to the kitchen to have breakfast.

Gemma was confused when her friend's mum Jess said she was picking her up, actually it got Gemma pretty worried as she hopped into the passengers seat. Jess only rarely picked her up from school and when she did it's because her parents are unable to for some emergency had come up.

"Jess, not to be rude but why are you picking me up? Are my parents alright?" Jess chuckled at the obviously concerned girl. "Yeah your parents are fine, your Dad is working late and your Mum is stuck at home with a sick brother of yours" Jess finished as she turned the corner to the Styles house.

"Tell your mum that I am just a phone call away if she needs me, sick children can be tiring at times. See you soon" Jess said watching to make sure Gemma is inside the house safe and sound.

When Gemma walked into the house, she put down her bag at the bottom of the stairs and headed for the kitchen where she suddenly came to a stop, her breaths stuck in her throat and tears threatening to pour down her cheeks.

Her little brother was out cold on the floor, vomit around him and shivering though there was a little movement or his chest rising up and down, but even that is enough to have anyone panic. Anne on the other hand was on the phone to the ambulance crew while kneeling next to her very sick son who just passed out while sat at the dining table to eat some toast.

Gemma rushed to Harry's side and stroked Harry's curls while waiting for medical staff to appear.

A moment later Harry groaned from where he was on the floor, his head been propped up on Gemma's lap, This alerted Gemma as her brother is now awake. Anne had been on the phone to the ambulance crew who are on their way and is getting a cold cloth to put on Harry's very warm head.

"Aww Haz, it's Ok" Gemma said before calling her mum over. Anne rushed over with the cold cloth and a glass of diarllyte she had just made up. Anne carefully propped Harry's head on her lap and ensured the bucket was within reach, she got Harry to slowly sip the diarllyte and Harry did this and managed to keep it down thankfully.

Soon enough his colour returned to his face which is a good sign but Harry still looked weak and very tired.

Five minutes later after Harry coming back round the doorbell rang, the paramedics are finally here. "Gem can you let the paramedics In" Anne ordered stroking one of her little boy's hands to calm the little lad down

Meanwhile Sam had a very upset Jackson as she collected him from School. Sam explained that Harry was unwell as the teachers there grew very concerned after Harry had to leave for home, wasn't long though until Haley started whining.

The paramedics checked Harry over who was snuggled into his mum. They took his temperature which is 38.1 so only a slight fever. They said he fainted due to lack of sleep, one of the side effects due to the bug though Anne is convinced that Harry has had plenty of sleep for he slept in the other day, huh weird.

The paramedics also gave them the advice to give Harry plenty of fluids little but often. Anne asked about the diarllyte and the paramedics told Anne that was the best thing for Harry. The paramedics then left leaving Anne to pick Harry up off of the floor so she could clean up the mess.

Anne placed Harry on the sofa and got him comfortable before cleaning the kitchen. Anne told Gemma to then do her homework which is due in tomorrow.Sam had asked Haley if she was okay but didn't seemed to get no answer.

"Do you feel sick sweetie" Sam tried knowing the girl hadn't puked in 24 hours...but Haley still didn't reply. "Jackson can you hold this carrier bag for your sister" Sam asked her eldest, Jackson nodded and looked back at his baby brother Josh who had fallen asleep in the car.

Sam hoped that her baby girl wasn't becoming sick again, it is draining to look after a sick child. Sam loved Haley to pieces but sometimes her whining can go on and on making poor Sam have a headache. Sam pulled up into her drive way and put the car into park before getting Josh out of his car seat and with the help of Jackson to get Haley into her other arm leaving Jackson to shut the car door.

I guess Haley isn't as fully recovered as Sam thought she would be, thank god they didn't stay at her sisters.

Sam carried Josh into his crib then carried Haley to her room where she got her daughter dressed into some comfier clothing and tucked her into bed, usually sleep works wonders sometimes plus sleep is the best thing when your sick.

Sam had just kissed her daughter on the forehead and was about to leave the room when she suddenly heard a massive gag, before she had taken one step out of the bedroom Haley had violently thrown up all over herself, the bed and the floor. Haley kept throwing up all the food she had managed to keep down in the last 24 hours.

Sam sighed as she went to grab the bin, she knew it was too much to keep her hopes up at her daughter being well again. Josh came in and put the TV on not bothering his mum as he heard his sister throw up every, only bothering his mum now will stress her out so he settled for watching Pokemon xy&z, his favorite anime going.

Meanwhile Anne was glad that Harry was finally sleeping and made dinner for herself and Gemma which consisted of chicken and chips. Gemma and Anne settled down to watch Emmerdale only for the cries of her youngest to be heard....great.

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