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Your POV

A few days later, I sat on the train with Ron and Harry while Hermione and I read about the attacks at the World Cup, me on my phone and Mione on a newspaper. 

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The trolley woman asked and Ron, Harry and I jolted upwards to grab some sweets.

"Two Cauldron Cakes, please." I asked the woman, handing her the money and stepping back to sit down with Hermione again, giving her one of the cakes.

Ron grabbed a packet of Droobles and sat back down as well, but when I looked over to see why Harry was taking so long, it wasn't because of indecisiveness, but a girl. 

Cho Chang? I thought to myself as Harry blushed profusely at the sight of the beautiful girl.

He and I made eye contact, and his face went red from embarrassment. He knew I saw his nervousness around my friend.

"This is horrible. How could the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security?" She asked our two friends, who didn't seem to care nearly as much as she. 

"Loads, according to dad." Ron answered, mouth full of Droobles. "That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses."

Harry rubbed his scar. "It's hurting again, isn't it?" I asked, worried for him. "Your scar." I leaned in. "You know Sirius would want to hear about this. What you saw at the World Cup and the dream." Harry agreed with her and began to write our Godfather a letter.

I sent a letter to Sirius earlier in the morning using Aunt Cissa's owl, Ulysses, talking about my injuries from the World Cup. I told him about my stay at The Burrow and Fred and Adrian. Unsurprisingly, he loves to gossip. 

At the Manor, Uncle Lucius stopped his praise with me. He went back to being irritable and undeniably miserable. There were multiple times where he would avoid holding eye contact with me in conversation, seemingly from some sort of regret or embarrassment of kind. He also tensed up once he saw my cuts from the attack which I couldn't help but wonder what that could be from. 

While Harry wrote his letter, I decided to find Fred and George, leaving my friends and walking through the train halls. While I passed the different carts and compartments, I noticed Adrian in one, arguing with Graham.

I stopped right before their compartment, leaning up against the wall so they couldn't see me, while I listened. 

"What's the big deal? It's not like she knows!" I heard Adrian say.

"Exactly, Ade. What the fuck's wrong with you?! Do you not understand how wrong this is?" Graham replied defensively.

"It's not wrong unless she finds out. And you aren't telling her."

"You've gone absolutely barmy if you think I'm not going to say something." Graham began to get up, but Adrian grabbed his shoulder roughly. I flinched, knowing how hard he can squeeze sometimes. 

"Still wanna be a pro quidditch player? Don't think you'll be able to do that if you're not on the team anymore." Adrian threatened, just like he did to Draco.

Graham eyed his friend up and down before shoving him off. "I'm going to find Miles." He looked over to Terence, who was just cowering in the corner of the compartment, then he slid the door open and walked in the other direction as me.

"What, the, hell." I uttered, breaking up my sentence. 

I continued forward, my mind wanting to follow Graham, but my feet stopping right outside the cart with Fred, George, Lee and Angelina.

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