Life With The Travllers

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~I do not own the image above. I love how I've only added joke images and none of the images I've added are realivent to the story 💀✋🏻~

It has been many years after the attack and you were now 16 years old. You lived with the travellers and their children. Alice the oldest who was 18 was a really skilled ninja. She was really good with all chakra nature's except wind style. And the youngest was Neo who was 12, to be honest he was quite nice but he was also how do I put this.... Interesting? They both had two lovely parents who's names were Clara and jarl. They taught you everything and what it meant to be a ninja. They taught you everything kushina and minato didn't get to teach you....

By this time you had already unlocked the uzumaki clans kekkai genkai, chakra chains. You were gifted with the uzumakis strong life force, and you and sensory abilities you could sense people's chakra from about a mile away but you were working on improving your sensory abilities and seeing if you could push them to sense things from at least two more miles away. Your chakra nature was water and earth style, your summoning animal was cats. You often summoned a huge hairless cat that went by the name scruffy. He was bug enough for you to ride on, you occasionally summon other ninja cats but srucffy was your main and he was your best partner.

You often spent your days going on outings with Alice to collect food and warding off any threats to the camp you and the travellers had set up for the time being. You did have a permanent home with the travelers as you guys were always on your feet going places but to be honest you didn't mind. One day you went out to look for stuff to eat with Alice but her younger brother Neo wanted to come so bad. "Oh please oh please let me come hunting with you too I promise I won't cause any trouble!!!" he begged, but this begging didn't work you and Alice just gave him cold stares he then exclaimed really loudly again "PLEASEEEEEEE!!!"
He gave you two the cutes puppy eyes and you could say no. So you all went out to look for food. It was your job as a sensory ninja to see it there was anything near by good enough to eat. You sensed around the area and pushed your self to see if you could sense any further down a few more miles. But it was useless there was absolutely nothing. "ugh.. I'm so sorry guys but I'm not picking up anything. Nothing at all!" you sighed.

"well that's all right we will just keep looking!"
Alice spoke with an obviously  fake enthusiastic voice and smile. You all went on to look for things, you three went deeper and deeper into the thick forest. At this point you had to admit it you were lost.  "wait.. S-so are we ever going to find o-our way back?"
Neo cried with fear and worry in his voice.
"Urm... Well I don't know its up to y/n to see if she can sense our way back or food." Alice sighed
You were a bit pissed at her for saying this bc you had a knotting feeling in your stomach. You guys were lost, you  began to internally panic, you sensed a strange unwelcoming chakra. But it wasn't a humans chakra, this was the chakra of a dangerous strong wild cat.  You froze up. You looked to the right side of your shoulder, you yelled at the top of your lungs. "OH FUCK- RUN!"
You made the smart decision of running forward but Neo and Alice were stopped in their tracks. Time was going in slow motion as the big thundering wild cat pounced at the two siblings in front of your every eyes [666 words :0] and just like that they were no more.

You ran far away from the scene absolutely sobbing your heart out. You didn't know what to do you just ran even deeper into the thick wilderness.


[705 words 💃]

Sorry for anything spelling mistakes xd. And I also forgot to mention but y/n is a medical ninja as well! I wonder what happens next xd :3

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