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~there's no image :0!~

Kakashi sent some aunbu members to go and find you. They tried to find a girl that fit hinatas description. 'a red haired girl who's technically a girl version of Naruto and sasuke at the same time.' after a while of searching the aunbu found you.

"HEY! LET GO" - Hayami

"your coming with us girl" - aunbu member

"NO! I DONT WANT TO!" - Hayami

They took her to the hokages office. She stood in front of kakashi, he was surprised. Hinata was right when she said this girl looked like a female version of both Naruto and sasuke combined.

"So what's your name?" - kakashi


Kakashis eyes widened at this girls audacity to shout at the hokage. She definitely reminded him of Naruto. But it wasn't right there was another person that she really looked like, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Well then your gonna have to tell me. But anyways hinata already told me. Hayami is it?" - kakashi

"Well yeah but what does that matter to you!?!" - y/n

"we need to know where your parents are or else you'll be put into a care system. Now what's your surname?" - kakashi


Kakashi then demanded that she was  sent to the interagation. They knocked her out so they could look I to her memories. Ino was the one who looked into her memories. She searched for a while until she saw something. Ino identified Hayamis surname. When she found out quite a bit, she stopped what she was doing and stared at Hayamis sleeping sate. Shock was written over her face. "So what's her full name?" - kakashi

"Well... Your probably going to think I'm making this up but it's Hayami Uchiha" - Ino

"Huh?.. Are you serious. What are her parents names?" - kakashi

"there names are y/n uzumaki and itachi uchiha. And yes he's alive. Very much alive and well" - Ino

Kakashi was gobbed smacked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Whilst Hayami was still asleep she was put in a hospital bed. Eventually a few people found out. The people who found out were: Naruto, shikamaru, sakura, hinata, Tentem and sasuke. Sasuke was particularly interested in finding more out about Hayami. He wanted to find his brother, he had more questions for him. Naruto wanted to know why her mother had his surname until kakashi told him why. Naruto was quite frankly upset that he was never allowed to see his own sister. Hayami then woke up in her hospital bed. She was surrounded by kakashi, Naruto, shikamaru and sasuke.

"Where am I..."- Hayami

"Well Hayami we were able to find out more about you. It's interesting to say the least" - Kakashi

"What? Oh no. If my parents find out they won't be happy I have to go!"
Hayami sprung out of the bed and made a run for the door but sasuke got in the way of her.
"there's no point. We've already sent a message out to your parents"
Sasuke responded to her in a cold tone. She srtolled back to her bed and hid under the covers as she cried silently.

You and itachi were still looking for Hayami in the near by forest by your small house. Suddenly an Eagle swooped above your head and landed on your shoulder. You saw the ring around its feet and the gear on its back.
You shouted, causing itachi to turn around towards you. Itachi took one look at the Eagle on your shoulder and froze 'I'm fucked' was all itachi could think.




[605 words]

Itachi x uzumaki reader -The plan - Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang