Under Your Spell

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~I don't own the image above but sasunaru rising~

"I love you sunshine.."
Those were the last words you heard until you were dragged deep into itachis genjutus and fell asleep. For what felt like hours, you were sleeping peacefully and drowning in a dark abbis. Then suddenly you woke up in a hospital bed and all you can hear is "y/n! Y/n!" over and over again, until you opened your eyes and you realised who it was. It was lady tsunade! "wait what...how long have I been knocked out for exactly?" was the first thing that came out your mouth when you woke up.
"About a few days actually... A lot has happened whilst you were gone."- tsunade

"Wait? What about Naruto is he hurt!?" - y/n

"yes actually, but it wasn't the akasukis doing..." - tsunade

"Then who's falt was it!?!" - y/n

"Well it's a long story..." - tsunade

"tell. Me."
You said coldy and you stared deep into tusandes golden eyes.

"Well then I'll tell you. Orochimarus curse Mark has made it's full affect on sasuke. Because of this sasuke ran away with some of orochimarus minions so to speak. Obviously Naruto wanted to go after sasuke, it was this whole long search but they caught up to him. And Naruto and sasuke battled each other and Naruto lost. Sasuke is now a rouge ninja. But Naruto is also badly hurt but he'd been fine though." - tsunade

Was the only thing that could come out your mouth at the time.

"Where did they battle exactly?" - y/n

"Its pretty ironic to be honest but it was the Valley of the end."- tsunade

You chuckled a bit because it was pretty ironic that they chose to battle it out there.

"is it okay if I leave..?"- y/n

"I me a your injuries aren't that bad you just needed a safe  place to stay whilst you were under a genjutus. Yeah I guess if you want to you can get going. But don't be afraid to come back and if anything else happens I'll be sure to make sure that a message gets sent to your place." - tsunade

"m-my place?"
Your suttered. Because at this point you didn't know where you were gonna go.

"yeah don't worry abt it y/n we'll find you if we send out a message for sure!"- tsunade

"oh okay, thanks!"
Was your reasponse as you grabbed your things and left the hidden leaf. You jumped from tree to tree not knowing were you were going. You thought about trying to make your way back to the cabin, but you weren't sure. First off you didn't know where the cabin was, and second of all you loved itachi but you weren't so sure. You've been trapped and put under the unescapable spell of love. This feeling of wanting to hold itachi and be with him was unbearable, and you weren't sure he'd want to see you after you had just attacked him. But at the same time when he put you under a genjutus you heard kind, loving words of affection coming from him. But then again genjutus are illusions and he was just munipulating your chakra to hear and see something else. But why would he make you hear things like that if he didn't love you.

WHY WHY WHY!?! WHY SO MANY BUT'S?? These thoughts raced through your mind like a race car track. You legs got tired and you needed to stop jumping from tree to tree. By this time you were far, far away from konoha in fact you were miles from it. You could try and retrace your steps but you were way to tired. Your legs gave way and you stumbled on to the floor. Your eyes were slowly shutting as you got comfortable in a Bush hiding from anyone who would want to attack you at night. As you slept you had dreams about spending your life with itachi, but you knew it would most likely not happen. Itachi would need to die to help his little brother, and as sasuke grows older and now that he's a rouge ninja he's one step closer to killing him. You felt like you needed to come up with a plan. A plan to stop sasuke from killing itachi, or maybe to stage itachis death to sasuke? You thought all of this in your dreams, oh boy did you have an amazing mind and imagination. Whilst you slept you were unaware of it but someone picked you up. Who could this have been?....




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Hope your enjoying this and soz for  any grammatical errors but have a good day or night and good bye! :D

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