The Cabin...

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~the image above isn't mine but can we just appreciate how precious Emma is 🛐~

You ran for what seemed like miles, after a while you legs were heavy and you began to walk tears lightly streamed down your eyes because of the previous events. You were out of chakra but just ahead of you, you spotted a beautiful flower meadow and in the middle of the meadow was a cabin. Also on the other end of the meadow was a cute little stream. As you looked ahead you smiled and laughed you were so happy to see a sign of human life. But at the same time you were tired, hungry and thirsty and you wondered if you were halicinating or wether this was legit and you could have just possibly found another place to stay hopefully for free. As you didn't have any money at all to pay for an Inn, and on top of that you didn't know which way the city was.

You dragged your weary legs to the front of the cabin to discover that this wasn't no crazy hallucination. To your surprise the door of the cabin was open. Inside it deafinately looked like someone lived there but no one was home. Because you were so tired you didn't even think for a second about manners and you took off your shoes and rested on the soft cushiony bed of the cabin. The feeling of the warm mattress clamed the tension you were feeling in your muscles and your eyes grew heavier and heavier as you drifted into dream land. Not long after the sun slowly fell down from the sky and the moon crept up the blanket of stars that lit the night sky guided travellers like you home. But the only thing was you didn't have a home. The people you connected with were gone for good and it was too risky to return to were you really belonged. The hidden leaf village. The harsh reality of this world had set upon you and you were now amongst shinobi who had lost everything.

Hours later the moon still set itself high in the sky. The owner of the cabin had now returned only to find your resting body in his cabin. To be honest he was quite taken aback. Both at your beauty, the fact that a stranger was in his bed and also there was something about you that was eerily familiar.

[412 words🤧]

Welp that's it for now folks I will continue to update but I wonder who's bed could have y/n found herself in 😏

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