Get Well Soon!

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~the picture above was taken by me at the national art gallery bc I thought it was funny. But some random gut in the 15th century painted it so yh~

You slept on the floor cuddled up in some random cloaks since there was no extra bedding and you didn't want to disturb itachi and his resting/recovery progress. In the morning you tried to get itachi up but he wouldn't buge, you could sense that he was still alive so you brushed it off as him still being knocked out and tired. You walked over to the kitchen and made some homemade medicine. As a medical ninja you were always looking to find new medicines for different things. There were very few books were you could research more about herbal medicine , so you had to do it from scratch. You attempted to make some sort of herbal remedy for itachis wounds, something that would heal all the pain he is feeling in an instant. For a few minutes you sat down and got many different plants and mashed them up together. You mixed them with hot water and natural spices. You stored them all in tiny glass bottles that were sealed with corck screws. (you'll understand the packaging if you've been on witchtok)

After all that mixing herbs together your hands got tired so you walk med back to where itachi was. You were going to wake him up. And in your hands were and old wooden tray, on the tray was a glass of water, food pills, chicken noodle soup and herbal medicine you made to help with muscle pains. You put the wooden tray down by the bedside table. Then you lightly shook itachi awake.
"itachi *nudge* hey itachi! *nudge nudge* you gotta wake up! *nudge*"
You whisper yelled.
There was no response. You nughed him more slightly, he didn't budge. You could sense he was alive but his chakra didn't seem a lot like it was a when you first woke up. You worried a bit and but your hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. Suddenly you froze, you couldn't feel a heart beat. Until a minute later you felt a beat. You sat there feeling his heart beat for  about 20 minutes until you realised 'itachis heart is beating three beat per minute!'

You stopped in your tracks. You knew from the basic medical ninjustus the travellers taught you that at the rate itachis heart was going he could die any second. So with that you took away itachis blanket and took off his shirt. You began cpr on itachi to try and get his heart going more. (fun fact  the song say so is 30 beats per minute so if you ever have to do cpr sing say so) eventually during the middle of the cpr session itachi jolted awake. His heart now beating normally.
You screeched in happiness as you hugged him tight. You were so happy that you saved him and he didn't die.
Itachi was gasping for air but eventually he calmed down. You looked at him with a bright idyllic smile of glee. But something wasn't right. Itachi was still looking all over the place, almost as if he didn't know where everything was. You cupped his cheek and made him look at you.
"itachi.. I'm right here"
You said in a concerned voice.
"I can't see you"
Those were the words that came from itachis mouth. They made your heart sink, the fact that your cute little itachi wouldn't be able to see the light of the world without being bound to the akatuski anymore. Made your heart ache. Itachi knew the day were all he could see was internal darkness would come. Itachi was completely blind and you had to help him do certain things. Eventually he got used to moving around on his own, but sometimes with some tasks he still needed your help. You yourself as a medical ninja was disappointed in yourself that you couldn't find a cure for your livers blindness. But itachi always told you not to worry about. Because he loved you, and didn't want to trouble you. He didn't really mind after a while of being blind because all he needed was you and peace.

A few weeks passed and you and itachi just lived your lives normally as couple in your small cozy cabin. Until an idea hit you. What if you went to the hidden leaf library. If you did that you could get loads more information on itachis condition, and ontop of that you might find the cure for his blindness. So one night whilst itachi was still sleeping you packed a few things and headed of the hidden leaf. You told itachi in advance that you were called back to the leaf to fulfil some tasks the night before, because you knew he wouldn't approve of what you were doing. But you set off to the leaf. But boy were you not ready for a few things...

Itachi x uzumaki reader -The plan - Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora