The Leaf Library

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~I don't own the image above but o ly cultured people would understand it~

You looked around the library for a bit trying not to look suspicious before you made your way to the basement. You slowly opened the basement door, before you entered you looked around your surroundings. You cautiously stepped through the door and closed it. There was a long and steep flight of stairs leading to the basement, There was no lights near the stairs so you had to walk down the steep steps in the dark. You almost tripped a few times because it was so steep. And every step you took made the stairs creek. Eventually you hit the bottom of the flight of stairs, and you opened another wooden door. There was a light switch to the side of you that you flicked. You could tell nobody had been down there in ages. The shelfs were dusty, the floor was creeky and the lights flickered every so often and buzzed. Cob webs sat in the corners of the room and the beat way to describe it is that it kind of looked like the back rooms but with shelfs.

[basically imagine this but with shelfs]

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[basically imagine this but with shelfs]

The books on the shelfs were filled with many medical ninjustus secrets, and forbidden techniques. That was one of the reasons why this place was so far underground, and hidden in the floors of the library. On top of that it was the only place we're different clans scriptures and secrets could be found, without having to go to there secret head quarters. You figured the smartest thing to do would be to look for medical books and herbal remedies for the eyes. And also look for any scriptures to do with the uchiha clan so you could better understand how there eyes work. You found quite a few books on the eyes and how to heal them using medical ninjustus. You also found books on different remedies for different eye conditions. You had about four books on basic human eye inner workings. But you just had to find an uchiha manuscript of some sort, you really didn't want to fuck this up. After a while you found a book with text about the uchiha clan in it. You flicked through the pages of each book and remembered all that it said. You got to the uchiha clan book and began to read. The stuff that you read about there eyes made you a bit squeamish. All the pulling out of eyes and killing people you care for unsettled you. There were also many other books on the eyes that you found, you also got sidetracked and read some other medical books. You were down in the basement for ages and ages. You fell asleep reading of the books, you had also stuffed a few important books that you would actually need into your bag. You can't imagine how long you slept for but you slept for atleast three days to be pressie. After those three days had gone by you woke up, your body aching. You felt like poop. And suddenly the memories of your parents and jiraya flashed back into your mind. This wasn't the best morning wake up. You got the books you most needed into your bag and headed out. But just as you were about to turn off the lights, one of the biggest shelfs in the room fell. Books and papers flew everywhere, Something wasn't right and you had an unsettled feeling. But you brushed it off and walked up the long, steep flight of stairs. You opened the last door and you were greeted to nothing...
The hidden leaf village was gone, it was literally a huge dirt patch with a few dead and injured people laying in it. Your mouth was wide open at this horrific sight. A single tear fell from your eye. Your whole body began to shake, and well... You passed out onto what used to be the library floor.





[672 words]
See... I told you it was gonna get worse. I just love making yall cry xd

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