-Extra Bit Of Love- Pt2

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~I don't own the image above but it's mega hot~

The rest of the day was supposed to be fun. But internally you were hurt by itachis word's. How... Could he? You just didn't understand why he was being such.. Such a-
Ummm what's the word...
A bitch I guess would be the correct word. But you decided that maybe you were just better than crushing on someone who didn't even like you. So you got over it quickly like children always do. A few days later you went to the academy as usually and then left to go home. You insisted on walking home on your own now, because of the fact that you were a 'big girl' now. But as you were walking home you saw someone.
That god damn jerk he was so stuck up and weird. But there was a slightly older old with short curly hair next to him. The curly haired boy turned around only to make eye contact with you. He then grabbed itachis arm and spun him around to face your way, he pushed itachi towards you. You were confused and backed up a bit.
"No itachi what do we say..."

Itachi- "Shisui your not my father!"

The taller one  then gave itachi a glare. Itachi then sighed.

Itachi- "I'm sorry for calling you childish last week... Shisui can I go now?" 

shisui- "not if she isn't happy with the apology no."

They were now both staring at you expecting a reply. Now this was weird. So you slowly backed up and just left. Boys were just so weird, apart from kakashi and obito though since they were really nice to you. 

about a month later it was soon gonna be your birthday, and that meant your uncle jiraya was going to be around. You really liked it when he came over. He would always get you something even if it wasn't your birthday. but the presents always got more extravagant towards your birthday. When your birthday came around you got lots of presents from different people, your favourite gift was of course jirayas. He got you a giant bear plushie which your parents weren't really sure about since you already had a unicorn. Around this time that your uncle was over it was announced that your father, Minato would become the leaf villages 4th hokage. all the exciting news was all coming in at once.

(btw i think i may have messed up the readers age along with itachis. and the timeline in general. so im gonna say that now its like ur 5th birthday instead on 9th coz otherwise it would make no sense. and you'll see wht i mean later.) 

About then lets say a month later your father and his crew had to go on a dangerous mission to iwagakure. The mission took weeks to complete and you and your mother were equally just as worried. You stopped going to the academy for a bit since you were to sad to go. Eventually the new announced that Minato and his team of three would be coming back soon. The team of three bit was a tiny bit confusing to you since there were three of them, or maybe it just meant that he had three genin on his team. The day they were to come back you and your mother kushina waited at the gate to the village. Your face was painted with a smile when you saw Minato, Kakashi and Rin. You ran to give your father a great big hug, he smiled down at you. But the smile was off. it wasn't his usual smile it was full of sadness. You then looked over at Kakashi and Rin. Their faces were expressionless. Then something in your small child mind clicked. 

Y/n- "Where's  obito? I want to ask him something!"

But since you were young you couldn't understand the fact that, Obito Uchiha wasn't coming back. He was dead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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