Bed :)

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~I don't own the the picture above but.... :)~

The person who owned the cabin you were in lightly shook you awake. You shot up out of bed, your heart pounding in your chest. You looked to your right side to see a tall, dark and attractive man. He had long lushes black locks the he had ties back into a ponytail. Deep black eyes that were like black holes you could get sucked into. He had cute little stress lines on his face aswell. He wore a long black robe with deep red clouds on it, he wore it in a certain way so one of his hands would be sticking out his robe.

You looked at him up and down, you had never seen him before in your life. But you were also lost in his attractiveness, his beautiful inky eyes were like a black hole you could get sucked into and lost in forever. The man looked at you funny and he spoke "what is your name and where do you come from?"
His voice was deep and mysterious and enough to send you into a trance. "urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- I'm urmmmm urrrr- well I guess the best way to put it is that I was tired so I stopped by here. I'm terribly sorry if you want me to leave I can"
You responded in a timid tone. The man chuckled "well if you want you can stay, and you are quite cute if I do say so myself but you still haven't answered my question properly."
You froze. He contuied, seriousness in his voice.
"what is your name and where did you come from."
The mood completely changed because of his new stern tone of voice, his pricing eyes cut deep into your soul.
"well ummm.. I'm apart of a group to travellers but I recently lost them to wild animals. I-I mean they weren't my real family anyways, but my name is y/n"
You stuttered. He looked at you and he responded again as he narrowed his eyebrows.
"well then y/n who is your real family and what is you last name."
His tone became more aggressive. You were stunned, you just sat up in bed not knowing what to say. But you weren't going to tell him your original villages name or who your mother and father was mainly to protect the nine Tails. I mean heck this was a guy you didn't even know and he's asking you all these personal questions.

"what village I come from doesn't consern you and my full name is y/n uzumaki."
He looked at you with defeat in his eyes.
"well if your not gonna tell me what village you come from that's fine, you can stay here longer to sleep if you want. I mean since you don't seem to have a home and all."
You smiled at his reasponse and drifted back to sleep. He looked at you, 'your beautiful red locks made you look so cute' he thought to himself. He inspected your pretty features even more only to notice the whiskers on your cheeks. You thought to himself a bit, 'her name was y/n uzumaki wasn't it?' Then it clicked he looked at you with shock in his eyes, but he also knew that since you were away from the village for so long you probably had no idea at all.

A few minutes past and the night got into an even deeper stage. He was quite tired but you were sleeping soundly in his bed, he didn't have any extra sheets or mattresses lying around so he technically had to sleep with you. He put on his pajamas and slid into bed with you. He didn't touch you has he didn't want to creep you out, even though you were very beautiful and sweet to him he held back his temptations of grabbing you and embrassing you. Whilst you were still in bed you whispered to him.
"hey. I didn't quite catch your name"
He closes his eyes and whispered back
"itachi, itachi uchiha."
"i like that name, it has a nice ring to it" you giggled.
There was a cold silence for a while.
"hey- umm I hope you don't mind but is it possible if you could ummm. Urrr-. Well I usually sleep with a comfort plush and I don't have that on me now sooo."
You stuttered. Itachi was taken aback by this as he knew what you were emplying but he didn't back down on this opportunity to turn you around towards him and wrap his arms around you. You did the same and wrapped your arms around his neck. His body was nice and warm and you quickly fell asleep again.



[798 words💀]

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any grammar errors or spelling mistakes but have I good day or night but it's night time for me now soooo xd :)

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