-Extra Bit Of Love- Pt1

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-btw this is the extra series- :)

You lay in your own f/c (favourite colour) bedsheets. Your sound asleep. The walls of your room are decorated with kittens and puppies, just perfect for your young self. Suddenly your lights turn on and ignite your room.
Kushina- "breakfast is ready!"

Your young eyes beem with it excitement.

Y/n-"coming mum!"

You rush down the stairs of your childhood home. As you get down you are presented with the most delicious pancakes you have ever seen.

Y/n- "WOOOWIEEE! It's looks soooo good! Thanks mummy!!"

Kushina- "yeah I know, but you won't really know until you try it ya know?"

You nodded and dug into your pancakes, they were heavenly. Your father seemed to really be enjoying them too. You finished them all and brushed your teeth, then you got yourself ready for the academy.


Kushina&Minato in unison- "Okay have a good day!"

You skipped out the house and skipped your way all the way down to the academy. You weren't the top of your class but in general you were just average. You had fun talking with your friends and practicing shurkin throwing. But finally for all the years in the academy it was break time. You sat down with your friends and talked a whole lot. But during your conversation someone caught your eye. A boy with longish dark black hair and inky black eyes. You have to admit you blushed a little, his name was itachi uchiha. You had your own secret crush on him. But to be honest most of the girls liked him anyways, and apparently he liked someone else. Your heart felt heavy and weird the first time you heard he liked someone that wasn't you. It just hurt, you were very young at the time and didn't understand your own feelings. Bore did u know how to express them so you just went home and cried. You didn't know why. You knew you were too young because your mother always went on about, 'no boys until your 16' or whatever.

But as you were looking over at him he caught you staring. You blushed and he tilted his head in confusion. He only sort of kind of knew you because your mum's were friends. You then hid your face in embarresment and turned away.

Xx time skip xX

You then tiredly walked home to the comfort of your own home. You opened up the door jut to be greeted with your father's team all there. They all said hello to you but you ran to your most  best bestest best friend out of the three.

Y/n- "OBITOOO!!"

Obito- "Hi y/n!"

You hugged him tightly as you giggled excitedly.

Y/n- "I didn't know you were coming!! But now your here and I'm really really excited I am!!!"

You explained in your squeaky little voice.

Obito- "Well minato Sensei, your father invited us for dinner so I'm here now"

Y/n- "Ooo that sound like super fun it does!!"

Obito- "Yeah it is!"

Y/n- "Do want to come and play Princess in my room with me! We can carry on from last time!"

Kakashi and Rin then gave Obito a 'really?' sort fo look when you said that. Obito then obviously became a bit embarrassed.

Y/n- "Why do you join too kakashi!"

Kakashi- "No... I'm cool thanks."

Rin- "Awwh but kakashi you don't wanna upset Y/n come play with them I bet it would be fun!"

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