-The Plan-

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~I obviously don't own the image above but I love these girls so much~

Three years had passed and you still loved itachi a lot and itachi still loved you a lot. By this time Naruto was back in the hidden leaf and you were still watching him. It warmed your heart to see this boy grow up so fast and get stronger. But at the same time Naruto was going through a lot of pain trying to get his friend sasuke back. Sasuke was getting closer to achieving his goal, which meant you were drifting further away from itachi. Even though you loved itachi so much and he still loved you, fate was in the way of your relationship. The fact that itachi was gonna go soon made your heart ache. You wanted to spend time with itachi but he was so busy, even more busy than you who went on secret missions for the leaf by yourself. Yes the missions were so secret you had to complete them on your own. One afternoon you walked into the cabin after watching over your brother. Itachi wasn't home yet and you were so tired, you just put on your pijamas and tucked yourself into bed. You cried, you were so upset. Soon you knew you were gonna leave your only company in the world. Your only love, and you'd have to live your life in secret by yourself. You were also upset that you'd never get to treat Naruto like your brother and you'd always have to stay distant from him. To be honest every night you felt really down by the fact that you don't and never will have a sibling connection with the boy. Whenever itachi wasn't home in the Cabin you'd atleast spend 5 minutes being sad about that.

Whilst you were still crying quietly in bed itachi came back. He assumed you were sleeping and he went on with his afternoon routine doing what he needed to do. Itachi got his pijamas on and slipped into bed with you, you were facing the other side of the wall and itachi hugged you from behind. He lent into and grabbed you and took in your sent. That's when he realised you were still awake and upset.
"y/n?" - itachi


"y/n, sunshine. Are you okay?" - itachi

"no... Not really." - y/n

"what's the matter?" - itachi

You sighed.

"Itachi... Are you really going to die." - y/n

Itachi went silent after you said that. An eery silence flooded the room for a few seconds that felt like hours. Waiting for a reasponse. When he didn't reaspond for a while you sniffed in an attempt to hold back your tears. But you couldn't and you burst into tears whilst you turned around to face itachi.

"Itachi.. I love you so much! Please please please, I'm begging you! DON'T FUCKING GO, YOUR THE ONLY ONE I HAVE LEFT!... If you go I'll actually have no one." - y/n

"I'm sorry y/n.. But I have to."
Itachi reaspond coldly. You got out of bed and started pacing around the room trying to come up with something to stop him from dying.


Itachi felt guilty. So many thoughts raced around his head. 'I have to do this for sasuke though. But. But. Y/n will be left alone forever she'll have no one at all... But then even if I die sasuke too would technically be alone if he found out the truth.' Then it clicked. Itachi came up with a good idea. But if he did this he would still be fooling sasuke but even then if he hides properly then sasuke would never know.

"y/n.. I may have come up with a plan." - itachi

You looked at itachi with your desperate e/c wet eyes. Itachi beckoned you to come closer with his hands.

"I have a plan. But you must listen closely with full attentiveness for this to work."-itachi

You eagerly nodded.

"good then. Your a medical ninja right?"-itachi

"That would be correct."-y/n

"so on the night before I fight sasuke try and heal me of all my previous wounds. When I fight sasuke I might send a few clones out and if I have to I might have to send the real me out. And if that happens promise when sasukes done you'll come to my aid. I'll let sasuke beat me and I'll pretend to die you got it?" - itachi

You were shocked at itachis words but you nodded and remembered what he said. From that day on you waited nervously for the day the two brothers would have there last death match. You were confident in itachis plan and that it would work out. After all itachi was really good at planning things and he was quite intelligent. From the day he was born into the uchiha clan he was destened to be a prodogy. But the thought of it going terribly wrong lingured in your mind. You hand no idea how much stronger sasuke might have gotten. I mean you had a good idea on Narutos and sakura progress as shinobi but you were clueless about sasuke.




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