Chapter 22- Phone Calls and Pizza

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---Meghan's Pov---

"LETS GET SOME PIZZA!" I hear Luke yell from down the stairs.

"I DONT WANT TO!" I yell back and I hear a loud sigh and some whispering. I missed Jason, I was tired of being used and being treated like an item I wanted my Jason back, no I wanted someone who would be there. I guess my only example was Jason. I went to grab my phone to call him when there was a knock at my door and I saw a red haired boy walk in.

"Hey Meggy, I dyed my hair today!" He tells me excitedly. I shook off my gloomy mood. I could be happy for a few minutes for Michael's sake.

"I love it, come here." I tell him so I can ruffle his hair. I grab at it looking at the dye job. "Did you go it done? This doesn't look like you're dye job." I asked him and he nodded as I let go of the roots of his hair.

"Yeah I went in because well, there's a band thing and you should come to pizza to talk about it." He says and I feel my eyebrows wrinkle as I stand in wonder.

"Okay fine." I tell him and he smiled and I follow him out my door slipping my phone into my pocket and grabbing my shoes. I walk down the steps and I see Ashton's curls and Luke's quiff.

"Hi boys, what's up?" I ask slipping a shoe on as I reach the bottom steps.

"Nothing really we just need pizza." Calum replies and I shook my head.

"Okay fine." I walked out the door and joined the boys in the car. Luke and Ashton in the front seat Calum and Katie in the seat behind them and Michael and I in the very back. Apparently Katie was part of our adventure. I sat silently as we drove out the boys and Katie talking loudly and singing even louder to the music on the radio. I sat there questioning the reason for my existence an all that good stuff. And then my butt started vibrating and I quickly pulled it out of my pocket. I was getting a call from Jason.

"Guys shut off the music I have a phone call." I yell and the music gets turned down and the conversation stops. "Hey, Jas what's up?" I asks and I hear a sigh, that's not good.

"Meg, I can't do it anymore I'm so done. This is it, I just want you to know I love you and I want you to remember that." He says and I feel tears fall out of my eyes my smile fading.

"No Jason please don't I need you I can't survive this without you and I don't want to please don't leave me." I whisper my voice cracking.

"I don't wanna fight anymore." He tells me and I sigh.

"Neither do I but we need to fight this together, Jas I need you." I tell him.

"But you don't you're too far away and I can't hold you anymore. You don't need me." He says.

"Move to Australia." I blurt at him and he stops.

"What?!?" He snaps and I feel the car stop. I hold up my pointer finger to gesture one more second. They all pile out of the car except Mikey. He stays and he nods knowing I don't want to be alone.

"Move here, then we could be together and I wouldn't be alone and neither would you and you dropped out already so why not?" I ask and I can feel him smiling, those dang mood changes but will he go see a therapist and get diagnosed heck no that is unacceptable.

"Alright, I'll be in Sydney in two days." He says. Probably pulling out his laptop to get a flight. "alright I've got to pack and oh my gosh I'm gonna have my Meghan back. I'll see you in a few days." He finishes and I smile.

"Love you too." I reply softly after he hangs up. I always did that because I never told him I loved him especially after the break up. Michael looks at me and I stare at him.

"What was that about?" Michael asks as he begins to move out of the car.

"I'll talk about it later." I say a smile growing on my face. The only person I have ever loved minus my Dad was Jason and I was getting him back. I followed Mikey out to car and we met everyone else.

"We got pizza!" Ashton yells.

"Shut up." Katie says smacking his arm. They were too cute. I wish everyone else knew how cute they were. Mikey and I sat down and started eating.

"So I hear you have news and I have some too, so let's go boys you go first." I say excited to tell everyone my boyfriend would be back.

"Well last year we opened for Harry Styles band One Direction. It was awesome, and now" Ashton started and the rest of the boys jumped in.

"WE ARE GOING ON OUR OWN TOUR!" They shouted and my mouth dropped open. My brothers band is going somewhere, literally. I just found him and now he's leaving.

"Ashton and I are dating." Katie whispers as soon as they are done shouting. Everyone freezes and Luke's mouth drops. Ashton grabs Katie's face and kisses her rubbing his thumb across her cheek. My heart stopped and I think I would have passed out they were way too cute.

"Well, Meggy you're the only one with news left." Mikey says and everyone looks at him funny. "What I call her Meggy don't judge." He says and Luke lifts and eyebrow and Calum laughs.

"Well, Katie and Luke know about my ex-boyfriend is named Jason and we broke up because of the long distance and well, he's moving out to Australiaa this week." I said and Michael stops like literally he freezes. He takes a deep breath and gets up and walks away. Katie smiles and gives me a huge hug and Calum follows Mikey. I felt my eyes go big with worry. My life felt all screwy all the sudden. Now my brother was leaving with Mikey and Ash and Cal. I guess Katie and I would be alone. Well I would have Jason. I just don't know why Michael had to leave. Why didn't he just stay and talk with us he was in such a good mood. Why did he leave oh my gosh did he feel sick? I really hope he's okay. Why was today so confusing?

I started school and I want to kill 12 men and anyway I hope you like it. I love you all, Meghan.

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