Chapter 23- More Phone Calls and Best Friends

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--- Meghan's Pov ---

We left the pizza parlor and Michael wouldn't even look at me. I wish my feelings weren't so mixed up. I was in love with Jason but I really liked Michael I just didn't know in which way. Oh my gosh where was Jason going to stay? Could he register in school here and maybe try again and graduate. Oh my gosh and Harry would finally be off my back and maybe life would get easier. We could be there for each other. We pulled back into the driveway at the house. The boys walked inside and Katie just looked at me.

"You finally get Jason back!" She smiled at me and I laugh.

"Yeah I do but what about Mikey I really like him but Jason is...he's my Jason. And my feelings are so messed up right now." I tell her and she shakes her head.

"Follow you're heart wait till Jason's here hang out with him go on some dates and if he doesn't make you feel like Mikey does then Mikey's the one. Other people's feelings don't matter not when it comes to love. You're feelings come first." She hugged me tightly and I smiled.

"Thank you." I whispered scared to talk loudly.

"Anytime sweetie now let's go in and maybe we can face time Jason so I can meet him?" She asked and I nodded. I pulled out my phone and hit the FaceTime button on Jason's contact. I felt the butterflies rise in my stomach. I smiled at him as his face popped onto the screen.

"Meghan!" He yelled and his long fringe shook as he smiled.

"Jason," I smiled quietly. "This is my bestest girl friend Katie." I spoke pointing my black painted finger towards her. My voice still quite.

"Hello." She said in her gorgeous Australian accent.

"Hey." He told her adjusting the sleeves on his sweater. It was my favorite sweater of his.

"Well, how's the packing?" I ask and he laughed.

"Well I'm leaving at 3 am tomorrow and I've got most my clothes and bracelets packed. I'm just getting the posters packed and that's about it." He says and I nod.

"Good I'm going to get to see you tomorrow." I sighed butterflies stomach in my stomach. I saw the glint in one of the bags in the background.

"Katie excuse me for a second." I said extending a thin finger as to ask for a minute. I walked out of the room and into my own room. I closed the door slowly.

"Are they in the bag?" I asked and he shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Don't mess with me Jason I've flushed those too many times are they in there?" I asked anger heating my words.

"Yeah they're in there." He replied looking down. Moving his blue eyes away from mine. His usually bright hair a dark black and his teeth attached to his spider bites. His blue eyes looking away from my dark eyes.

"Jas, please don't bring them flush them and let coming to Australia be a new start. No more slits for either of us." I tell him and he nods.

"Alright I'll leave them and I'll do my best." He smiles and I smile back a weak fake one. 8 meals I've skipped on purpose since I've been here, but Jason Jason yelled at me but I'm constantly yelling at him for 7 lines, 7 lines on the collection of his.

"Alright have you found a place to stay?" I continue blocking the moment before from my mind.

"Yeah there's an apartment 2 blocks away from you're house which means you can always visit." He smiles and I shake my head in sarcastic laughter.

"Okay good I was worried about you. I'll come pick you up from the airport and till you have a car I'll have Ashton or Luke drive you around. Or maybe you could get you're GED and you'll come back to school." I tell him ranting thinking way too much about the future.

"We'll see now I've gotta finish packing. I'll see you when you pick me up from the airport." He finished and he hits the end button. I sighed and closed the phone. I still didn't know how I felt about Jason or Michael but I loved Jason and maybe I still do. I have been developing feelings for Michael too. I sigh again shrugging my shoulders. Why did life have to be so complicated?

"Katie I'm tired can I go to bed?" I ask feeling like I'm five.

"Noooooooo Imma watch pitch perfect get down here." She yells and I growl.

"Fine, only cause I like pitch perfect." I tell her running down the stairs. Though my life was a mess and I didn't know my feelings. It was a pretty good life.

I hope you enjoyed this an yeah I love you all, Meghan.

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