Chapter 6- Late Showers and Projects

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---Luke's Pov---

(Eeek new Pov :) )

Meghan continued to cry on my shoulder and I patted her back. I brought her closer and I felt her lift her head.

"I'm sorry." She whispered wiping the tears away. I frowned slightly.

"For what?" I asked attempting to raise and eyebrow. I could tell I failed from the fact she laughed.

"I randomly show up in your life and I make a mess. You've looked for me twice today! How am I supposed to last it out here?" She said holding back tears.

"It's gonna be okay. I chose to look for you. I want you here. I missed you." I said stumbling through the words. I'm not very good with words.

"I missed you too big bro." She said jokingly. I was 3 minutes older. Making me the oldest sibling.

"Now, you need to go to bed. It's been a long day an you need some rest." I said sternly holding her shoulders.

"Whatever you say bro." She said with a gangster accent.

"Go!" I told her moving my hands to point up the stairs to her room.

"I am." She said racing up the stairs. "Love you." She yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Love you too Meg." I yelled back as she slipped into her room. I really had missed her all these years. I didn't know her anger issues had gotten so bad. She seemed so small. But, she could probably knock me unconscious with one hit. But, she was still so emotional like when we were younger. I wish she had never left. I wish it was mom and Meghan and me. Not just mom and me. But, I had that now only 8 years later. I had missed out on my sisters life. I hated that. I went into my room and changed into some pajama pants. I slipped my shirt off and got in bed. Today had been a long day for me too I guess. Because when my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

---Meghan's Pov---

(I hate switching povs during a chapter ugh.)

I woke up the next morning. Luckily I got here on a Wednesday night yesterday was Thursday. So, it was Friday then I got a break from school. I redid the messy bun in my hair. I changed into a gray tank top or singlet here I guess. With thick black lettering that said "Hipsta Please" I finished with black pants with holes in both knees. I grabbed my make-up bag and headed to the bathroom. Liz had her own bathroom so it was Luke and I who used this one. I was running super late this morning and we had 20 minutes till classes started. I reached for the door knob and quickly twisted it. Locked, dang Luke.

"LUUUUUKKKKEEEE!!!" I yelled through the bathroom door.

"Yes dearest Meghan." Luke yelled back over the sound of running water.

"Are you seriously showering?" I shouted back.

"Yup." He exclaimed and I crossed my arms. I could tell he was smirking.

"Hurry, I have like 10 minutes till I need to leave for school." I yelled back annoyed.

"Crap so do I, I guess." He replied. My brother was an idiot.

"HURRY!!!" I yelled and I heard the shower go off. 5 minutes later. A fully dressed and blow dried Luke walked out of the bathroom flashing a smile.

"I'm going to kill you." I seethed. I rushed into the bathroom. My hair looked good enough. I used concealer and covered a few spots on my face. I did mascara. I have mascara OCD so my mascara had to be perfect all the time. It was a horrid problem. I did my eyeliner. Quickly doing a cat eye which was slightly lopsided but pretty good. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone and earbuds.

"Lucas you've made me late." I yell from the stairs on my way to the kitchen.

"Sorry, Meg." Ugh, I raced into the kitchen.

"Ugh." I shouted back and I realized I had 3 minutes to be in class. I grabbed an apple Liz had placed on the counter.

"I'm driving us." Luke said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Most mornings better not end up like this." I said glaring at Luke as he started the car.

"They usually are." He replied smirking. Ugh, some days. I walked into first period as the bell rang. Score, I slid into my seat.

"Work with your partner on your project." The teacher announced. I looked across the room and saw Michaels green hair. We made eye contact an he winked. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach lurched. Stop it heart. I don't like Michael. You know, the one with a girlfriend. He made his way over here and tried to keep my heart beat slowed but it sped up as he sat next to me. He rested a hand on my shoulder as he sat down. He always did that. My heart raced and my breathe got shaky. I really hadn't felt like this with anyone not in a long time

"Are you okay?" He asked concern filling his eyes. Oh my he cared. But, I didn't did I?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter Comment, Vote, DM me. Whatever, Lots of Love, Meghan.

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