Chapter 16- Ditch and Questions

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---Meghan's Pov---

I was rushing around the house. We were off to school. I ran as fast as I could to grab my bag and get out the door. I ran out the door and Luke was right behind me. We were late for school, again. We were almost 20 minutes late. I had woken up late and Luke had taken his famously late shower. I glared at him as I walked backwards out the door. Luke starts the car and drives like literally there was no transition it was keys and moving. We were way over the speed limit and running red lights. As we pulled up to the school we were almost 35 minutes late. So really speeding hadn't been worth it.

"You going to class?" I asked Luke as he unbuckled his seat belt. He looked a shocked as if there was no other option.

"Ya of course why would not?" He responded.

"Lucifer Hemmings why would you go to class?" I replied with another question.

"Cause you're supposed to go to class." He replied very matter of factly.

"Let's have a little fun Lucas." I said and I got back I the car. Luke joined me and I smirked at him. "Lets go to do something. I'll call in and pretend we have a doctor's appointment." I tell him as I pick up my phone to call the school.

"Hello." I receptionist asks politely she never talked politely to me.

"Hi, I'm Liz Hemmings I'm calling to excuse my children Luke and Meghan from their first and second class periods as they have a doctor's appointment." I say trying to sound as adult is had possible while adding an accent.

"Yes, okay I'm checking them out right now. Goodbye Ms. Hemmings." The lady says.

"Goodbye." I say hanging up the phone. "We're out of first and second period." I say and Luke nods nervously.

"What if mom finds out?" Luke asks and I shake my head.

"Liz won't know a thing." I reply. "Plus what can she really do?" I asked so he would stop worrying.

"Ya you're right let's go." Luke replies his hands tapping nervously on the steering wheel. And he starts the car again. I smile as he speeds away. We end up at a bowling alley. Why he chose a bowling alley of all places to go I don't know. I unbuckle quickly. We run in a purchase the needed supplies. Bowling shoes, a lane, pizza. Yes we needed pizza at nine in the morning it's a thing. We started bowling and Luke was kicking my butt. He his 2 strikes. And I got 7 and 9 pins. I tried my hardest but I was terrible at bowling. Like seriously I might kill a man on accident. We finished the game and Luke kicked my trash. If he didn't have a strike it was a spare. I grabbed my phone and noticed that we had 8 minutes to get back to school.

"Luke we gotta go like now." I said grabbing my bag and rushing over to the car. Luke raced after me and started the car up and we raced over to the school. We just so happened to get there with one full minute to spare. We were skilled on lateness must run in the family. We raced in the building and then slowly walked to our next classes and I sent a quick smile to Luke as we parted ways. I walked into English and smiled at Ashton, Katie and Michael a quick wink. I sat down in my seat.

"Work on your story projects." The teacher announced boringly monotone and Michael walked over to me.

"Where were you earlier?" Michael questioned.

"Oh, I ditched with Lucifer." I said and Michael gasped in shock.

"You got Lucas to ditch?" Michael asked and I nodded.

"It's a skill." I said fake bowing in my seat.

"Any ideas for this project yet?" Michael asked and I shook my head.

"Hey, you doing any better with the whole Cat thing?" I asked switching subjects and he smiled.

"Actually, I'm a lot happier without that She Looks Under Trees." He said and I gave him a confused look.

"She Looks Under Trees?" I asked and he laughed.

"Think about the first letter of each word," Michael started.
"S-L-U-T." He said each letter and I laughed really hard. This day has actually gone better than I thought.


I walked through the classroom doors as the bell rang and saw Harry at lunch sitting with his gang.

"Hey Meghan!" Niall yelled at me.

"Hi Niall." I said walking over to them.

"Harry has a question for you." Louis said. And my eyebrow scrunched together.

"Ya, uh." Harry started scratching the back of his neck. "Will you uh well be my girlfriend?" He asked and I smiled.

"Oh well I guess I could settle for you." I said sarcastically.

"Oh." Was all Harry said with obvious hurt.

"I'm kidding idiot, I would love to be your girlfriend." I told him kissing him quickly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Meghans got a boyfriend.
Btw My social media:
Instagram: ultimate.mikey
Uh that's really it... Lots of Love, Meghan.

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