Chapter 4- Exersize and Directions

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---Meghan's Pov---

I changed into my running gear and grabbed my headphones. I walked down the stairs.

"Liz, I'm going running." I yell on my way out the door. I stretched quickly and began my ran. I ran out my frustration my anger. I really calmed me down. I imagined every step I took was one more step away from the anger the sadness that I was running from all the pent up emotion. Which usually took a while. I finally reached a point where my legs barely wanted to carry me. So I pushed a little bit further and then stopped to walk for a second. As soon as I had slowed down enough. I realized I was totally lost. I checked my phone and I turned my maps app on to take me home. And because the entire world hates me my phone freaking died. I have I idea what I was going to do. I turned around and tried to find my way back. I walked for what my tired legs took as hours must have only been about 20 minutes. Great, I was totally lost. I wandered around for a few more minutes. I saw a park a little ways away and I went and sat one of the benches. I decided I would sit here till Liz or Luke or someone came looking for me. Or I had sudden inspiration and found my way home. I waited for what felt like hours and hours. Which probably wasn't. I'm really not good with time. Cars pulled up to the park and left. I waited on the same park bench waiting for my phone to have a miracle and gain a battery percentage. I stared at the black screen with the little dead battery on it. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Fear shot through my body and adrenaline rushed my veins.

"What the?" I said turning my head and clenching my hands into fists. I grabbed the arm and spun putting him in an half Nelson. I saw a flash of green hair and relaxed. Letting go of his arm.

"Wow, calm down." Michael said sliding into the seat next to me. I started tugging at my running tank top. Then, my shorts. I was about to readjust my hair when I realized what I was doing. I was nervous around Michael. Crap, no way. I refuse to like this kid. I don't like being in a relationship. They always turned out bad. I never had fun and I was always depressed when I had a relationship. Well, except for one but I don't talk about that one. So, I had only had 5. I tried to avoid guys. Unless they were unbearably hot.

"Sorry, but I couldn't see you and I thought I gonna have to fight my way out of this." I responded pulling myself from my thoughts. I've been doing that almost every time I talk to Michael.

"It's fine." He said smiling. "But, why you alone at a park at 6:30 at night in running gear?" He asked obviously trying to be polite.

"Well, I went running around 4 and I got really lost and my phone died." I said looking at the ground.

"That's what Liz thought. Luke thought you got kidnapped though." Michael responded and I turned him, shocked.

"How is it when Luke looks for me you find me?" I ask looking into his green eyes. Wow, he had really pretty eyes unlike me who had dull grey ones.

"Guess I just have some 6th sense." He said laughing causing me to crack a smile.

"Well it must go with the magic hugs..." I said trailing off. I kinda wanted a shower and Liz probably was worried. And I was too awkward.

"Oh, right I should get you back home." He says and I nod my head. I felt all girly around Michael. I hated it. He grabbed my hand and led me to a car. He slid me into the back seat and I noticed Ashton in the drivers seat. Luke was in the passengers and Michael sat next to Calum who sat next to me. Wow, the whole lot is in this car. But, the very back seat was totally empty.

"Meghan oh my gosh are you okay were you kidnapped? Did anyone hurt you?" Luke says and I laugh. Still my over protective brother after 8 years. He really hasn't changed.

"I'm fine I just got lost. I must have ran farther than I thought. And Lucas I'm a big girl with muscles I can fend for myself." I said regaining my composure.

"Must have you're 9 miles away from home! And it doesn't matter you can still get hurt." Luke shouts and I look at him blankly. 9 miles is pretty good for 2 1/2 hours.

"Well, I walked the last 45 minutes." I said flashing a smile.

"How in the heavens." Calum whispered.

"Well, Calum when you are angry and frustrated but also kinda sad. And in pretty good shape. You can run for a long time before you realize you're tired or you are far away from home." I say and all the boys look at me except Ashton who was driving.

"Is that how you feel?" Luke asked softly and I nod my head. "Why?" He asked and I sigh. My brothers as idiot.

"I'm in a new school in a new county without my dad, or my best friend and I'm surrounded by people who don't know me and I don't know them. I've been thrown into a totally new situation and I don't know how to act." I state. "How should I feel?" I ask glaring at Luke. I need to calm down before I break a window or something. My breathing was ragged and I felt a new energy burst and felt ready to run for miles on end maybe I could lift some weights anything to burn calories.

"I guess we understand." Michael says who's been silent the entire ride. But, they don't understand. They don't know what it's like. It frustrates me that they pretend to know me. We drive the rest of the way home in silence. I slip out of the car and into the house.

"There you are sweetheart." Liz says as I walk in the door.

"Hey Liz." I say flashing a smile.

"I'm glad the boys found you let me guess you go lost and your phone died." Liz said and I laughed she knew exactly what we going on.

"Yup." I say and she gives me a side hug.

"Now, how was you're day?" She asks as though nothing happened.

"Good but really stressful. I mean it's great here but trying to keep calm and not get angry when I have so many emotions racing around is really hard." I say knowing I can tell Liz anything even though it's been a long time. She's just easy to talk too.

"I get it did you freak out today?" She asked looking at my still swollen hand.

"Ya, I punched the school building really hard I guess. Michael got me fixed up though." I say. Why did I add the Michael part. She didn't need to know that!

"So, it's Mikey isn't it?" She asked.

"What?!? Michael no, have you seen any other guys in my year. Or the year above?" I say wiggling my eyebrows she didn't accept it though.

"I knew you would fall for one of the boys. I thought it would be Ashton though. Don't let Luke know though." Liz says and I shake my head. I don't like Michael! Do I?

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed. Comment, Vote, DM me whatever. Lots of Love, Meghan.

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