Chapter 3- Busted Knuckles and Girlfriends?

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---Michaels Pov---

After Meghan yelled at Luke and ran away. Luke freaked out.

"We have to find her now." Luke cried and he stood up.

"Dude, calm down what's so bad?" Calum asked grabbing Luke's shoulder.

"She has issues and we just need to find her okay." Luke said and he rushed out to find her. The rest of us followed looking for the a girl most of had met only a few minutes ago. I went to one side of the school and saw her purple hair. I walked over and set a hand on her shoulder. She was slumped up against the wall crying. She lifted her head and looked at me.

"Hey, don't cry." I whispered softly. As I got down on the ground next to her.

"I have reason too." She said throwing her head up against the wall. "I wish I wasn't here." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "Plus I'm not crying."

"Why not?" I asked. Ignoring her finishing statement. I thought she liked it here.

"I miss my dad and California. I miss my best friend. I miss my old house. My old school. I miss my old life." She said wiping a stray tear off her face. I pulled her into a quick hug.

"Hey, but you can start over here. You can meet a new friend. Plus you have Luke and Liz." I said and she smiled.

"Ya, and the only people I've met happen to be my brothers friends." She said laughing.

"Well, it could be worse. I could be ugly." I said trying to make her laugh.

"What do you mean you're not ugly?" She asked sarcastically.

"What! I'm offended." I said acting shocked.

"How do you do that?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

"Do what?" I questioned.

"Less than 2 minutes ago I was crying my eyes out and now I'm laughing and feel fine. Do your hugs have magic powers?" She asked me and I smiled. I made her happy. Her being happy made me happy. I wanted to make her smile forever all the time. Her smile was beautiful. Along with her eyes and hair and just her. No, I had a girlfriend. I couldn't think like that. Cat was my girlfriend not Meghan. Meghan looked okay but not perfect like Cat. That works, right. It's a caught in the moment thought.

"Maybe, I've never done it before." I said feeling myself blushing.

"Okay then, well you have super powers Mr. Green hair." She said smirking. Ruffling my hair with her hand. I grabbed her hand and helped her stand up.

"Luke is freaking out about you." I said as she brushed off her clothes.

"Really?" She asked me eyes widening.

"Ya, he freaked when you left." I said confused on what was going one. "Where did you go anyway?" I asked and her face fell.

"No-nowhere." She stuttered and I raised an eyebrow. "No where important." She said looking at the ground.

"Whatever we better get back before Luke calls the cops." I say and she followed me back to the cafeteria. I grabbed her hand and she flinched. I looked back and her knuckles were busted up and her fingers were swelling up.

"Wow, you need to bandage that. I'm taking you to the nurses office to get that iced and bandaged." I said as I inspected her hand.

"It's fine it barely hurts." She said grabbing her hand back.

"No, we are going and that's final." I say and before she can respond I grab her other hand and drag her to the nurses office. I walk in the office. Meghan goes from looking injured to looking ready to hit someone. She said right at the door way.

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