Chapter 30- Tours and Halsey

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---Meghan's Pov---

"Meghan." Luke whines and so look at him.

"Yes?" I ask looking up from my phone.

"You know you have to come on tour with us." He states and my eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, WHAT!" I say my volume rising. Why did he just decided to drop it like that. Hey by the way YOURE GOING ON TOUR! No, this is something you're supposed to go about delicately.

"Yeah I went about that wrong." Got that right "Ummm well Mom is going on tour with us and since you're still 17 you have to go. Cause mom can't leave you here and so yeah." Luke says nervously and I sigh. Of course I've been blocking out feelings for Michael cause he was leaving and then we're going together. And how am I going to explain this to Jason. What do I tell him?

"Okay." I state ridding all emotion from my body. I was done feeling. So done. I was preparing myself, preparing to build my walls a little higher. So there was no room for Michael. No more room or anyone but Luke and Mom.

"So ummm would you like to I mean- would you- lets just- you wanna perform with us?" He asks and I shake my head.

"It's the 5 Seconds of Summer tour not the Hemmings Twins ft. Some Australian Boys." I smile at him trying to talk it out with him.

"Well it wouldn't be the whole show just a few songs and some laughing and stuff it'll be good." He smiles and I know he's trying to convince me.

"Fine." I say angrily I don't like being talked into stuff. Like at all.

"Yessss the boys are gonna be so glad." Luke dances across the living room. I hear his phone clicking away at the keyboard. Then his phone rings and I hear very manly yelling. Okay more like girly shrieks but whatever.

"She really coming and performing?" The voice asks and I shake my head Calum it was Calum.

"Yup." Luke replies smiling like an idiot.

"Yesssss." Another voice yells and that ones Mikey.

"LUKE JUST HAVE THE BOYS OVER." Liz yells from upstairs. And I let out a giggle.

"On our way." Ashton says and the phone call ends. I return to scrolling through my phone. Honestly I'm always on my phone but I have no idea what I do on my phone. And really that's okay. Moments later the door burst open and a gaggle of boys drifted in.

"Meggy." One yelled going me a hug and as soon as their arms were wrapped around me they whispered.

"What did you eat today?" He asked quietly the whisper making me shiver because of his close proximity.

"An apple." I lie hoping he'll believe it.

"That's not enough Meggy what do you want to eat right now and I'll get it." He replies letting go and I shake my head. I make eye contact now that's we've separated and I look at the floor. Then I hug Calum and then Ashton they're every touchy boys.

"So Meghan are you really gonna sing with us on tour?" Calum asks excitedly and I shrug.

"I guess so I hope I don't embarrass the band my voice isn't that nice." I laugh and Michael gets a look in his eyes that makes me feel like I've done something wrong.

"What are you talking about your voice is amazing. I freaking love it, like you sound like a miracle we could switch you and Luke out. The band would be a lot prettier that way." Michael says getting Ashton and I to giggle.

"Yeah yeah anyway are there songs you wanna sing?" Luke adds trying to divert the attention somewhere else.

"I don't know I mean do you guys have a song you want me to sing?" I reply trying to rack my brain for an answer.

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