Chapter 15- Happiness and Makeup

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---Michaels Pov---

I woke up the next morning arms wrapped around Meghan's thin waist. I quickly unwrapped my arms. She had Harry. I couldn't mess with that. She was happy and I had Cat. No, I didn't have Cat but I didn't need her. I was perfectly fine being alone. Plus, Meghan was happy and if I was crushing on her then I was stupid she was happy. Without me she was happy. I slid out of the bed careful not to wake Meghan. I got out of bed. I changed out of the clothes Meg had given me and changed back into my clothes from yesterday. I folded up the clothes from Meghan and set them on her desk. It was 7 am and I should leave Meg alone on this Sunday morning. I saw a note pad and quickly wrote a note.

Hey Meg,

Had to leave thanks for your help yesterday I needed it. I'm doing better I swear! I'll see you when I'm over for band practice tomorrow!! Also you're really cute when you're sleeping.

xx Mikey.

I wrote quickly and left the note on the bedside table. I snuck downstairs and slide quietly out the front door. I walked my bike down the driveway. I started it up and let the engine roar. I sped down the street on my way back home. I sighed lightly I really thought Cat loved me she had said it so many times and now she had lied and cheated on me. But at least I had my bike. Man, I loved my bike.

---Meghan's Pov---

I stretched as I woke up. 11 am well it was an early weekend morning but, hey weird Australian times going on. I Readjusted my hair and saw a paper on my bedside table I read a note that said,

Hey Meg,

Had to leave thanks for your help yesterday I needed it. I'm doing better I swear! I'll see you when I'm over for band practice tomorrow!! Also you're really cute when you're asleep.

xx Mikey.

I blushed lightly at the note and slipped it into my drawer. Maybe, I would like to read it later. I liked letters, I don't know I just do. I walked down the stairs for elevensis ((I have never read LOTR sometimes I just quote it idk))

I grabbed a bagel and a banana. Hopefully, it was enough Luke wouldn't bug me about it. I are quickly and returned to my room to relax the rest of my Sunday. I changed into some sweats and my favorite sweater. It was a pale green sweater with some black cursive font that said California. It was a really soft sweater and I loved it. I sat on my bed and pulled out my Mac Book Air. My dad bought it for my birthday earlier this year. I logged into Twitter and update everyone.

Lazy Sunday? Heck yes!!!

I just liked to update Twitter sometimes okay! I browsed the Internet for several hours before my phone went off. I grabbed it off my bedside table to see a text from Harry.

Whatcha doing babe?

Nothing really wbu?

Literally nothing wanna hang out?

Sure where are we going?

I'll pick you up for the park in 15?

Kk see you then ;)

I rushed around my room throwing on a pair of dark jeans that had been bleached. I grabbed a grey tri-colored top and I slipped Harry's jacket on too cause it was cold. I grabbed my brown boots and ponytailed my hair. I raced into the bathroom make-up in hand. I opened the door and laid all my stuff out. I shrugged off the jacket. As soon as I started curling my eyelashes there was a knock at the door. I rushed downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey sweet heart." Harry said smiling at my. I immediately hid my face with my hands

"Ahhh go away I don't have any make up on." I told him running towards the stairs back to the bathroom.

"But, you look fine." He protested chasing after me.

"No, I don't have any makeup on." I told him turning away so he can't see my face. I wasn't super against people seeing me with makeup but I really liked to wear makeup and I didn't want him to see me without it. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You are absolutely beautiful without make up. You are just perfect." He states and then he leans down and kissed me. And I kissed back. I pulled away after a second.

"Okay I get it but I really need to put my makeup on now." I told him running off.

"Fine." He yelled back at me.

I swiped concealer under my dark under eye circles and I quickly finished my whole makeup routine. I jumped down the stairs and joined Harry in the living room.

"You were just as gorgeous without makeup on." Harry smirks and I flush.

"Shut it." I snap and he shrugs.

"Make me." And I quickly attached my lips to his mine before we walked out the door.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I worked really hard on it and ya... LOVE YOU, MEGHAN!!!!!

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