Chapter 13- Cheating and Jackets

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---Michael's Pov---

I went outside for a walk. Meghan had just left on a date with Harry. My mom and I were fighting again. I really needed some air. I began walking to an old park I hung out at when I was a kid. I slowly made my way there. I was debating on calling Cat. When out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of pink hair. I turned quickly and saw Cat making out with some dude. I filled with rage very quickly. I ran over to the couple.

"Catherine fancy seeing you here!" I yelled and the couple broke apart.

"Mikey, babe it's not what it looks like." She told me running over to meet me. She reached out to touch my arm but I yanked it away.

"So you weren't making out with that jerk over there?" I asked.

"Well, I was but," She started and I cut her off.

"No, you cheated on me we've been together for 3 years and you cheated on me with some jerk in a park." I told her staring at her angrily.

"Look Michael I'm sick of pretending I've been cheating on you for at least a year. I was hoping your band would take off can you imagine the fame of having a famous boyfriend?" She asked and I felt me heart drop into my stomach. Why me?

"You know what we're over Catherine. I want my sweatshirts back and all my band t's. I also never wanna see you again so just drop them off and get out of my life." I told her in anger and depression.

"Good, they'll all be there in the morning bye." She told me walking back to her cheating jerk face. I raced back to Luke's house. My motorcycle was there and I needed to get home.

---Meghan's Pov---

Harry and I finished dinner and we began our way to the car. We walked out laughing at some cheesy knock knock joke that Harry had told me. We got out into the air and I felt goosebumps raise on my skin. It was freezing cold. I think Harry noticed cause he threw his arm around me.

"You cold babe?" He asked and I nodded shivering. He shrugged his amazingly hot leather jacket off his shoulders. He took his arm off my shoulder and replaced it with the jacket. I slid my arms into the sleeves and my hands met just after where your elbow is supposed to be. I looked down and the jacket came to just above my knee.

"Thank you." I told me smiling.

"You're welcome you look so cute in my clothes anyway." He says and I feel a blush creep into my cheeks. "Your blushing is adorable too." He continues making me blush more.

"So are your dimples." I tell him and he blushed and looks away. We got in the truck and smiled as 'My girl's Ex-boyfriend' came on the radio. I loved this song. Harry and I started singing along. We sang the whole song and as we got to the end we pulled up at my house. The very last sentence played and Harry turned off the car.

"I kinda do owe it all to my girls ex-boyfriend." He told me and I smiled. I don't know if he was talking to me but a small part of me hoped. We got out of the car and he walked me up to my front porch.We stood in front of the door.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later." I said and began shrugging off the jacket. Harry stopped me pulling the jacket back onto my shoulders.

"Keep it just until tomorrow okay." He told me and I flashed a quick smile.

"Sure." I replied. I looked up into his green eyes. He leaned in and I leaned in and slowly I closed my eyes and our lips met. His lips were soft and it felt almost comforting to kiss him. But, then the front door opened and we jumped apart. My brother stood in front of the door. Arms crossed and glaring at Harry. I smiled and Harry headed back to the car. So, I waved and he blew a kiss and backed away.

"You guys were kissing." Luke said. I blushed and sat down on the porch swing.

"Yeah we were." I told him and he sat next to me.

"I just got my sister back I can't give her to a boy that quickly." He told me and I awww'ed.

"You really feel that way?" I asked.

"Of course." He said standing up and walking into the house. I sat there for a moment. Stunned, I hung onto Harry's jacket. It honestly looked pretty good on my. It wasn't to big. But oversized. I really liked it. I spent a few moments thinking about life. When I heard someone walk towards the house. Who the heck was here at my house? Were they gonna kidnap me. This was it. The end of it all I was gonna die.

Thanks for reading PLEASE comment vote or just chat with me. I wanna hear your thoughts and and suggestions. By the way the song My Girl's Ex Boyfriend is linked somewhere in here. Love, Meghan.

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