Chapter 21- Fake Smiles and Therapy

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---Meghan's Pov---

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I sighed seeing it was pitch black out my window. I felt my anger flare when I realized it was late. I looked over at my phone and saw it was a call from Jason, I smiled, the anger dissipating and answered quickly.

"He-" I started and I was cut off.

"Meghan, I haven't heard from you in forever how are you have you been eating?" He asks and I let a small laugh escape my mouth.

"Yeah, Luke my twin has been forcing me." I tell him and I hear a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness." He says.

"How many?" I ask remembering the question I would ask day after day hoping the answer was zero.

"5." he responded and I sigh,

"That's good you're getting somewhere, I've only been in Australia 2 or 3 weeks. You're getting somewhere." I tell him.

"I know but it's hard, what color is you're hair?" He asks changing the subject.

"Blue what about yours?" I continue.

"Blue and pink and  so long." He tells me and I laugh.

"It's always long." I reply and I can tell he's smiling. My insides flutter I loved making him smile. "I have to go. I've got school. " I tell him realizing that I had school.

"Okay, call me after it won't be that late." He says and I smile again.

"Okay bye." I whisper and I hang up "I love you." I whisper even quieter as soon as I know the phone call was over. I set my phone back in its place and closed my eyes returning to my much needed sleep.

--the next morning--

I woke up the next morning feeling like crap. I lightly curled my blue hair and put on my regular makeup. With a little extra eyeliner. I had to look hot. Harry needed to know what he lost. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on my a band shirt for Asking Alexandria. I grabbed my leather jacket. I grabbed some plugs for my gauges. There I looked punk and hot. Enough to make Harry jealous. I walked downstairs grabbing my usual apple.

"Lucas lets go!" I yell taking a bite of my apple.

"I'm almost ready." He yells running down the stairs and slip my backpack over my shoulder. "Okay, you ready?" He asks rushing towards the door. I adjust my jacket and head towards the car. I slip into the passengers seat. I sigh turning up the radio. I had to be done. Harry was no longer in my head  I didn't need him.

"Are you okay? Ready to face Harry and his gang?" Luke asks turning a corner.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I tell him and we pull into a parking spot. I get out of the car and walk in the building. I hear a bunch of whispers and see people point.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?!?" I yell and everyone looks away and I walk to my locker. I grab books and close the door. Oh my gosh, cramps. Ow ow ow, I hunch over for a second breathing deeply. I stand up and grab some Advil from my bag. I take one quickly. I wait for the cramps to subside. Honestly I had to break up with my boyfriend while on my period. I really hated all of this. I walked into my first class and waited out the day. I just wanted to get home and be done.


I sat impatiently for the bell to ring I had counseling then detention then Liz is making me do homework sessions with her. Because I was failing half my classes. Then I can chill with Katie. I stood up and walked towards the counselors door. I knock quietly hoping to leave quickly.

"Come on in." I hear a high voice say. I open the door and slide in and see a black seat across from a lady about 25 with dark brown hair up in a bun. "Take a seat." She says pointing to the chair. I sit down setting my galaxy bag to the side of me. The lady smiles, "I'm Miss Nicole, and you're Meghan right?" I nod and adjust my jacket. "What kind of hair treatment do you use to keep you're hair from being damaged because of your dye?" She asked and I nodded. Hair dye and music were the only two things I liked to talk about.

"Well, I deep condition it twice a week and do an avocado egg treatment once a week." I tell her and she smiles.

"Oh I get it, I used to dye my hair all the time and it was so damaged by the time I stopped it was like a bird nest and had no shine." She told me.

"I have a friend who's hair is like that." I tell her and she looks back at me.

"Who?" She asks, seeming actually interested.

"His name is Mike- Michael, his hair is purple right now, but I think he's planning on dying it red soon." I tell her letting a small smile onto my face as I think about Mikey and how his purple hair looked so amazing with his green eyes. I shook the thought when I noticed Miss Nicole was talking.

"... him?" She asks and I feel my eyebrows crinkle together.

"Could you repeat that?" I ask quietly embarrassed at not paying attention.

"How do you know him?" She repeats and I nodded again, I guess I had a habit of that.

"Well, he's one of Luke my brothers friends and on my first day here he helped my fix up my hand after I punched a wall and well we get along really well." I tell her and she's nods.

"And he's just a friend?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows. I felt a bubble of anger rise in my stomach, why would she care how I feel.

"Yeah!" I snapped and she raised her hands.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you angry." She says and I take a deep breath and try the whole counting to ten thing. I was calm enough now to talk.

"Sorry it's touchy subject. I just broke up with a guy and I don't know how to feel about him. It's too much of a difficult situation now." I tell her trying to understand myself as I spoke and I honestly don't know what to feel.

"That's okay stuff is complicated. What about your brother?" She asks and I sigh.

"Well, we get along he's kinda been there for my, I lost everything before I moved to Australia and even if he didn't understand what it's like he was there for me." I tell her and she nods.

"Sounds kinda awesome, is he and over achiever?" She continues.

"Yup, he's got perfect 4.0 and he's in a band that's going on tour and he's going places. I'm stuck here, in a dead end school with no chance of college and no way I'll catch up to him." I tell her.

"That's okay because i is just part of life there's so much more, there's traveling and dating, just living life and so many things out there." She tells me and I shrug.

"But none of those things would make my dad proud." I exclaim angry that people didn't understand.

"But it's not your Dads life it's yours so who cares what makes people proud to what makes you happy." She tells me, there were a lot of deep thoughts there and maybe I just needed to make myself happy. But what made me happy?

So you like it? I tried to make it good. So yeah comment vote DM love you all, Meghan.

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