Chapter 9- Michael and A Date???

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---Meghan's Pov---

"Sorry, it's just Luke told me you got asked out by Harry." He said his face flushing and I laughed he really was here to talk about my dating choices.

"Okay, and you couldn't knock because?" I asked annoyed. But, I was talking to Michael :) that's nice right. No, wait. I had Harry who would last a few months and I would probably get expelled by then.

"Well, I just, it's that, I mean," He started and I sat there for a moment as he stuttered along.

"Spit it out!" I said angerly. Why didn't he just go back to his perfect relationship with Cat and leave me alone?

"You can't go out with Harry!" He said and I clenched my fists.

"Michael whatever the rest of your name is. Do not tell who to go out with. Who I can't go out with. Don't try and control my life you don't know me!" I yell at him and his eyes flicker with fear.

"It's Clifford. My name is Michael Clifford." He says and I laugh. That's all he got from that.

"Okay Michael Clifford. Why can I not go out with Harry?" I asked sassily waiting for an explanation.

"Because, he's a bad boy. He's got anger issues and you could get hurt." He says and I burst out laughing.

"Did Luke not tell you?" I asked still controlling my laughter.

"Tell me what?" He asked very confused.

"I have anger issues too. I guess we match then." I told him and his face fell.

"That's why Luke freaked yesterday. You punched something that's why you had bloody knuckles." He says and I nod. I don't like that he knows so much about me. I just met him. He'll probably never talk to me again. So, there went my chances with him. Not like I wanted them.

"Now, I have to prepare for my date tomorrow so get out Michael." I say making a shooing motion. He slowly backed out of my room. Ugh, he had such amazing green eyes. But, like my hair it was over-dyed. Except, I deep conditioned my hair and did all sorts of other treatments regularly So, I hadn't lost much hair. But, Michael was almost bald. He really needed a deep condition. Maybe and Avocado and Egg hair treatment. Was, I really going over how to fix Michael's hair. Wow, maybe I really did like him. Nah, Harry was just right for me. Not, Michael who had a girlfriend. I started thinking and came to a desicion. I think it's time I dyed my hair again. The dark purple had lightened up a lot. I grabbed my now fully charge phone and decided to go grab some dye. I raced down the stairs thinking of colors.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings I'm leaving!!!" I yelled as I made it to the kitchen. I started towards the door.

"Wait Meghan!" Luke yelled and he raced up from the stairs next to the kitchen. "Where ya going?" He asked when he made it up to me.

"I'm gonna find a Salon I'm gonna buy a box dye and dye my hair." I told him tapping my foot waiting to leave.

"Really, how often do you dye your hair?" He asked grabbing a lock of my hair.

"Once a month or so." I tell him and his face falls in what looks like shock.

"So does Michael, he's almost bald." He says and I laugh. Luke let's go of my hair.

"Well, I take great care of my hair." I say flipping my hair and smirking.

"Fine but take Michael with you I think he want to dye his hair too." Luke says and I groan.

"Really?" I ask and I flash a smile. "Can't I go on my own?" I ask acting innocent.

"Nah, actually the whole band can come with." He says and it's my turn for my face to drop.

"Band?" I ask and he smiles.

"Ya, Ashton, Calum, Michael and I have a band." He says.

"Cool, you better play good music." I tell him. He laughs.

"We do, let me go get the boys." He says and he runs to the stairs. "Boys we are gonna go buy hair dye let's go." He yells and the bis come racing up. Well, it's gonna be adventurous to go but hair dye. For the first time ever.

Thanks guys for reading. Comment, Vote, DM!!! Lots of Love, Meghan.

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