A School Assignment

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I'm moving. Away from everything I know. Why? That's another part of the story. It's really not that important now. But all I knew as I got off the plane was today was going to be terrible. I was moving to a whole new continent and all that would happen was it would totally suck. I frown as I walked toward the little luggage carousel searching for the maroon bag with my name on it. I hated airports, they were annoying and crowded, they really just irked me. I stood on my tiptoes looking for my bag. I finally saw the thing coming towards me and I let my frown turn into a smile. Finally reaching out to grab the impossibly heavy bag I finally pulled off of that carousel which was a lot like a flat escalator. I set the bag down in front of me and  I brushed my dark purple hair out of my eyes. I pulled the handle out of the top of the bag and wheeled it around.  I walked slowly around the airport with the impossibly heavy luggage. I had some of my stuff but the rest was somewhere in a plane being shipped over. I went down a real escalator and saw a giant blonde haired kid like a literal giant like 6' 3" tall. He had a lip ring which seemed pretty punk but if he was who I thought he was, he wasn't very punk. The boy was holding a sign that said 'Meghan Hemmings' I shrugged figuring that was my brother holding the sign just as I had thought. I walked over gripping my luggage tightly. Seeing my brother for the first time in years was almost nerve wracking though I wouldn't let that show on my face.

"Hi, Luke." I speak evenly, surprising the crap out of my dear twin. Even though I hadn't seen him in years. I knew it was him. Twin telepathy and all the stuff.

"Meghan?" Luke questioned. That idiot barely remembered me, but I really couldn't blame him eight years is a long time.

"In the flesh." I say smirking biting my lip ring. Somehow, my brother and I had matching lip rings, in the same place. I don't know how that happened. Again with the whole twin telepathy thing.

"Wow, you look way different." He says looking me up and down. I had my hair up in a messy bun but, I had fringe all over. My hair was dark purple and had a some lilac, and lavender highlights. I was wearing a Metallica tank top and some grey sweats and a pair of all black converse.

"People change in 8 years." I hiss pulling my luggage closer to me. It bothered me because of course I changed I hadn't seen Luke in eight years. I got hit by puberty that's what happened.

"Some do I guess. Uh, let's um just get home." Luke stumbles. Wow, I scared off my own brother that fast. He turned and walked out the building and to the car and I followed behind. I'll say it again, this day was so going to suck.

Thanks for reading. I wasn't gonna post this till late October but, yesterday I told my friend I would post when Michael changed his hair color. He dyed his hair that night. 😪 thanks Mikey! I hope you enjoyed comment vote DM me if you have suggestions or you just wanna talk. I have no life so I'll always respond. Lots of Love, Meghan!

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