Chapter 28- Fights and Dates

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---Meghan's Pov---

"Luke, I'm headed out on a date with Jason okay?" I tell Luke heading out the door. His eyes immeadiantly got bigger and I raised an eyebrow.

"Whyyyyyy." He whined at me and I sighed.

"Because he asked me out and I used to be in love with him." I tell him sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Used to, key word." Luke complains and I shake my head.

"I'm going he's my only piece of home and I can't lose him." I whisper and now it's Luke's turn to sigh.

"No I'm home, Mom is  home this Jason kid is the past and you can't keep the past with you forever." Luke raises his voice.

"But I can pretend I still have it!" I yell and Luke shakes his head again.

"That's not how it works." Luke tells me his voice was still so calm.

"No Lucas I don't. Have you ever lost anything? I lost my mom when I was eight I lost my Dad almost a month ago. I've lost my bat friend and my boyfriend. I lost my dog when I was 16. I don't have anything like your band I'm terrible at school. I'm bound to fail but you have everything I've ever wanted. You have your music and you've got friends who care about you. You have Mom, you're doing great in school. You're happy and aren't so psychologically messed up. You're great and her I am all messed up thrown into a different continent and I'll I have left is Jason." I rant I'm standing up and in angry and my blood is boiling and I'm starting to shake.

"Meghan, you have my friends you have me and you've got Mom you're not alone anymore Jason isn't the only one." He sighs and I shake my head he wasn't getting it.

"Whatever I'm leaving." I walk out the door the warm air hitting my face. I continued down the front steps and luckily Jason pulled up as soon I had got down the steps. I walked up to his car and opened the front seat smiling. I slid into the seat closed the door.

"Hey Meghan." Jason smiled moving the car from park to drive.

"Hello." I continued the conversation trying not to let it get silent. I had worried that since we had broken up that we wouldn't be together anymore and he wouldn't talk to me like he used to. But I knew it had all changed. In these few months, these months have been my relief. My anger had changed so much, my stress levels are lower. I was different and so was Jason. I sat quietly as we drove hoping we would soon get to our destination. We drove silently for just a few more minutes when we got to the park I had run to the first day I was here. I smiled at the memory and Jason parked the car. I sighed slowly as we opened the door and went to the park. I raced to the swing set and soon as possible. The swings were always my favorite and they reminded me of home.

"Jason come push me." I said loudly as I sat in the swing and Jason came and pushed me and as we gained speed I let a giggle out of my mouth. A giggle that was quickly cut short because, I hadn't giggled since I was 13. Why would I be giggling now? But Jason didn't notice. And I was glad, this was my life with Jason. Do what Jason wants let Jason recognize the things he wants and live like that. It was how it had been and being here in Australia with him it was different I felt more in control of everything and that I was the one in charge. That it was supposed to be more about us than him or me. But I didn't really want an us. I just wanted a me. Just to smile at the fact that I was my own person, who was completely single. And I liked it, but Jason. Jason kept messing me up. He was here while I was supposed to be recovering and sad about my cheating heart break. But here he was and I was angry. I couldn't leave him or he would relapse but I didn't want to be with him because I would relapse. But who's relapse would be worse. Either relapse would kill us so I had to make a decision. Did I want it to be me or him?

I broke away from my thoughts when I realized Jason was telling me a story.

"Alice really does miss you. Almost as much as I did." Jason laughs but he quickly cuts it off. "Can I tell you something?" He asks and I change my slight smile into a serious frown.

"Of course." I sigh and Jason looks at me stopping the swing.

"It'- no it- i-i-I just never mind it's not rally that important." Jason stutters and I frown even more.

"You sure?" I ask and he nods and I decide it wasn't worth pushing him. He was already pushing me...yeah that was lame.

"Hey I missed you." I say bluntly.

"Missed you more." And my heart hurt. The difference between I miss you and miss you seemed so obvious to me. At that moment it made sense.

"Missed you most." I smile and we continued our little date. And all I could think was, I don't love him anymore. And that hurt more than anything else in the entire world. Knowing I had fallen out of love with someone who meant to much to me at one time.

I hope you like this. Comment vote all that good stuff. I love you all and if you ever wanna talk about anything Dm me and I'll talk I have nothing better to do and yeah love you all, Meghan.

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