Chapter 34- Life Support and Panda Express

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---Meghan's Pov---

"Mikey stop it." I whispered at my I guess boyfriend who was not my boyfriend we didn't make it official. He had nestled his head into my neck and acted like he was sleeping. But no I had the world most annoying boyfriend and he just kept pestering me. He literally was a cat.

"Meggy." He replied and I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"Guys I'm trying to sleep and your hormones are keeping us awake." Calum whined and Ashton laughed with him. Luckily Luke was already sleeping. We had been driving to an interview and Mikey refused to go with just the boys. He wanted to "spent time with his girl.' And though I was mad he thought I was property and that I was 'his girl' I very much liked him and it kinda made me feel very special. We arrived at the whatever you call the place where you have an interview. We walked into the building a small very tired group. The boys go and sit on a large white couch next to a lady with a very large, very fake smile.

"Can I get a chair." I announce and a tall girl who looked like death herself handed me a chair. "Are you okay?" I asked her literally the bags under her eyes were heavier than mine.

"Yeah, well not really but yeah." She gives me a half smile and I decide I am in a kind mood and will help this woman out. But only this morning.

"What's wrong?" I ask and she sighs.

"Nothing." Her reply was soft.

"Lemme guess boy troubles?" I assumed and then the look in her eye went straight to murder.

"My brother is on life support and they're pulling the plug in 27 minutes." She replies flinching at the words she says.

"I'm so sorry." Guilt rushed through me. I can't believe I had thought it was something small like boy trouble. "They had to pull my Dad off life support about two months ago it's so hard. To know they're body is there but their brain isn't. It's so hard to be there." I tell her trying to make sure her next few days aren't as rough as mine were.

"It's just hard and I can't  be there because 'the 5 Seconds of Summer is going to be here and they need all the help they can get." She snaps and I can see pure pain in her eyes.

"That's not okay give me a second and I can get you on your way to the hospital." I tell her and she tilts her head in confusion. Too bad I have a plan sweetheart and it's gonna be good.

"Mikey get your cute bum over here." I whisper and the cute boy who's hair is slowing falling out, comes rushing over to me.

"Yes Meggy?" He asks and I nod my head towards the girl and then whisper my devious plan on his ear. "Perfect." He announces and then I go.

"OKAY 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER WILL WALK OUT THOSE DOORS." I yell pointing towards the door. "IF YOU DONT GIVE THIS GIRL THE REST OF THE DAY OFF." I finish pointing at the tall girl by my side who looks totally petrified.

"Yeah right." A tall man announced and I laughed.

"Michael Clifford back me up." I whispered and he smiled.

"She walks or we do." Mikey shouts.

"Okay okay, Tammy you should leave do whatever you want it's a paid sick day or whatever." A man who looks very in charge announces and the girl who I now know is Tammy walks away.

"THANK YOU MEGHAN YOURE AMAZING." She shouts as she walks out the large double door.

"You're very cute and very nice." Mikey smiles at me and I shrug.

"What can I say I'm ideal." I laugh and he returns to his seat. The interview was boring and they didn't ask any questions about the music the boys played or the shows. They asked about relationships and stuff which was frustrating to me. Finally we walked out the doors of the filming studio and Michael came and rested his chin on top my head.

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