Chapter 36 - Naps and Concerts

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---Meghan's Pov---

"ASHTON!" I shouted laying backstage. We only had a few more nights left of your and I was making the most of them.

"Yes Meghan?" He replied calmly.

"I'm boredddddd." I had my feet up on the couch and my head dangling near the ground.

"Well I don't care." He shrugged.

"Fine! MIKEYYYYYY!" I shouted and Michael came rushing towards me.

"Hey baby." He smiled joining me on the couch. His head resting near mine.

"I'm bored." I whisper and he smirks a little.

"I can fix that." He pushes his lips toward mine and they lock together. I smile a little at the fact we were hanging our heads off a couch. I was starting to get light headed from the blood rush to my head.

"Mikey." I whispered filling away. He placed his lips back on mine quickly.

"Hmmmm." He said pulling away from me slightly.

"I'm gonna pass out if we keep hanging upside down." I laugh and we both sit up. We look around the room realizing that Ashton's left and it's just us.

"I like your hair pink." He grabs a strand of my hair and I smile wider.

"I like your hair pink too." We had only dyed it a couple weeks ago but we loved having the brightly colored matching hair. I had done Michael's and he had helped do mine. We had used too much dye because mine was long enough it took 2 boxes which seriously took 3 hours to dye. Mikey's only took a couple minutes.

"Michael, you make me really happy." I scooted closer to him.

"Meggy you make me really happy." He copied and I rolled my eyes. "How are you doing?" He asked and I sighed.

"I ate eggs this morning for breakfast, and almost half a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I smiled. It was comfortable to be this close to Michael it made me feel all gooey on the inside.

"I'm proud that's the most you've eaten since I met you." I smiled at Mikey's encouraging words.

"I want to stop fearing food." I stated turning to look him in the eyes.

"Let's make a bet if you stop fearing food I'll stop hating myself." Michael smiled a little and my mouth dropped a little. Michael was what made me want to become more confident. He seemed so strong in his abilities I never would have guessed.

"Babe, you know I think you're one of the most attractive and talented guitarists ever!" I kissed him quickly.

"And I think you're one of the sweetest most beautiful singers over ever seen." He kissed me again.

"Mikey we're gonna dominate the world one day just you wait. Once we're both so confident the world won't know what do and we'll sneak attack. Take it by surprise you and me." I leaned closer to him.

"I think you're right." His arms tightening around me slightly.

We sat comfortably in silence cuddled up on the couch not saying anything. We were relaxed and comfortable with each other. I felt my eyes flutter closed and I heard Michael snoring lightly. "I love you." I whispered my mouth forming the words without consulting my head. I felt asleep without a second thought about the three life-altering words I had spoken.


"Hello everybody how are you all tonight?" I shouted from the stage. A roar of shouts and screams came from the packed audience.

"Sounds like it's been a goodnight. Boys how are you?" I asked and they all shrugged.

"I'm doing fantastic." Mikey smiled walking closer to me.

"Why is that?" I asked smirking and he kissed me quickly catching me by surprise.

"I dunno being around you seems like a good enough reason." The crowed awww'ed at his comment and I rolled my eyes.

"You're too much for me I can't handle the cute." I laughed and Calum chimed in.

"Neither can we you gotta stop its disgusting." He announced and Mikey glared lightly.

"Whatever whatever can we just play a song?" Luke asked he had his butt planted on the floor of the stage. Something none of us had noticed.

"Okay okay ummm how about Mrs. All American?" Ashton suggested and I nodded. "1,2,3." We started the song and I threw in some harmonies quietly. This song didn't involve me much. I sang a piece of Michael's verse, but that was all.

"Alright guys I'm tired I'm heading out." I announced to the audience who actually boo'ed and I smiled.

"Meggy stay for one more song please?" Michael asked shoving his bottom lip into a pout.

"I guess." I sighed. We played that last song for the night and I couldn't help but smile at the people I was with. I was so happy standing on that stage it was a euphoric feeling. I felt invincible almost indestructible being there. I wanted every night to be spent like this one. I wanted every night to involve Mikey, me, and music.

I know this one is a little short and it's just kinda cutesy stuff but I like fluff you know it's important. Anyway loves, Meghan.

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