Chapter 32- Fans and Fairies

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it's late cause I haven't posted in a while but hey that's not important, hope this years a good one for all of you. I think this is going to be a good year for me. Anyway loads of love!

---Meghan's Pov---

"BE QUIET IM MEDITATING!" I screamed towards the back of the bus not bothering to open my eyes. I had picked up meditation as soon as tour started and I really saw a difference no joke. But it could be very difficult with how loud the boys could be. I turned the volume up and closed my eyes closing my bunks curtains. I controlled my breathing again and started to listen to the deep voice that was telling me what to do. I was back into my happy place trying to release all my inner tension when the curtain was ripped open and my eyes shot open to 2 very tall boys staring at me.

"Lucas, Clifford what can I do for you." I seethe turning off the guide mediation and look them in the eyes.

"Meghan I think you know why we need to talk." Luke says breaking eye contact. My eyes shoot over to Michael in pure horror knowing he spilled the whole story.

"Mi- CLIFFORD!" I roared and both boys backed away.

"Luke, Michael, I'm gonna be fine okay. Maybe not today, or tomorrow or this year. But this is something I need to work through by myself. Alone. Please." I begged straightening my back to look more confident.

"Bu-" Luke started and I cut him off.

"NO! I am going to get get better on my own time not with anyone else's help okay? This isn't a fairy tale. I don't have a Prince Charming or a hero to save me. I have to do that myself. My life isn't a story it's reality okay?" I glare one last time before closing my eyes and turning back to my meditation. I heard the curtain close and I started to clear the thoughts out of my head. All I concentrated on was breathing in and out. And well I do meditate often, today was a bad day cause I feel asleep.

"MEGHAN!" I woke up and jumped out of bed.

"What?!?" I asked looking for blood, or waiting for someone to scream.

"Hey, we have to go to sound check now." Calum smiled and I glared at him.

"Then why are you screaming bloody murder?" I questioned slipping on a pair of sneakers. I grabbed a flannel and some black skinny jeans to change into later.

"Well, yeah we needed to wake you up. Also after the show do you wanna go to that dinner I was promised?" Calum replies walking beside me and we start towards the arena.

"Sure that sounds fan-" I smiled being cut off the screaming fans racing over to Calum and I. I step away while they take pictures.

"Oh my gosh Meghan! Are you with the boys for this tour?" A small dark haired girl walked towards me.

"Yeah I'm performing with them tonight." I smiled and the girl let out a loud scream.

"Sorry I saw a video of you singing and I was like can you just get rid of the rest of the band and you and Mali-Koa can take over?" She laughs and I smiled with her.

"Maybe we could work that out. HEY CALUM CAN MALI AND I TAKE OVER THE BAND?!?" I yell and Calum walks towards me.

"Yeah I guess. I would buy the album." He smiles wrapping his arm over my shoulder.

"Are you together?" Another girl asks and we laugh pulling away from each other.

"No and we'd love to stay longer but we have sound check bye guys!" Calum announced and we walked closer to the building. At that point Cal and I separate he joins the boys in sound check and I head backstage for makeup and decide exactly what I'll wear. I walk back to see the lady who was our makeup artist. She had long blonde hair, that was too gorgeous to be natural and green eyes. She smiled at me the moment I walked in. She had this comforting atmosphere around her.

"Hey I'm Kylee." She smiled at me walking closer to me. She pulled me into a tight hug and I almost jumped out of surprise. "Sorry, that was probably super weird but I figured hey I'm spending the whole tour with you might as well just start of with a good hug." She was so gorgeous I was immeadiantly jealous. Not just of her hair and eyes but her happiness could be sensed from across the room.

"No it's cool I don't mind." I shrugged moving my head side to side trying to make sure my presence could be seen as well, angry.

"MOMMY!!!!!!" I heard a light voice shriek. Kylee went running towards the noise. She walked out the door frame and then back in.

"Sorry this is my daughter, Jasey Rae." Kylee smiled holding a little girl who couldn't be more than two in her arms.

"Like All Time Low, Jasey Rae?" I tried not to laugh.

"Well, yeah my husband and I met at an All Time Low concert so we thought why not?" She set the little girl on the floor. I bent down to the child's level and smiled at her. She came closer to me and grabbed a strand of my blue hair.

"Mommy why don't I have blue hair?" She spoke quiet well for what looked like a two year old.

"I have blue hair because I was mean to a fairy and she cursed me with blue hair." I told her making her look worried.

"Are you wicked witch?" She asked dropping the strand of my hair.

"No no I told the fairy I was sorry but she told me I could keep the hair." I smiled telling my story and the little girl jumped into my arms. Then she grabbed my lip ring.

"What's this?" She asked and I smiled.

"That's to make sure I'm never mean to fairies again." I tell he and she gasps.

"I need one too." She says scrambling around looking like she was trying to find one.

"MOMMY! I need one of those." Jasey Ray cried.

"No baby you're too nice to every be mean to fairies." Kylee replied picking the girl back up.

"Meggy!" Michael called running backstage.

"Meggy? Did he be rude to fairies too?" Jasey Rae asked and I nodded.

"Yup and he doesn't have one of these so sometimes he's still mean to them. Me I'm princess of the fairies now." I smile at the little girl taking her into my arms and giving her a hug.

She glared at Michael, "You're still mean." She pouted at him.

"No I'm super nice especially to fairy princesses like Meggy." He said looking at the little girl.

"Prove it." She stuck out her tongue.

"Fine." Mikey replied and he kissed me on the cheek. I took in a breath of shock and continued trying to breath normally.

"Ahhhhh!" Jasey gasped and then she leaned into my ear and whispered. "Is he your prince?" She whispered pretty loudly.

"Ehhh." I replied making a very odd noise.

"Yeah I'm her prince." Mikey wrapped an arm around me and finally Kylee intervened.

"Yeah you two care to explain." She asked taking her child back.

"What?" I asked missing the little girl in my arms.

"Are you two together or not cause you're super cute?" She asked and Mikey and I just kinda looked at each other.

"No I'm single, he's single. We like it that way." I smiled.

"Yeah." Michael replied and he walked away his shoulders slumped, it was almost a trudge away.

I hope you liked this I'll be updating soon. Most of these updates will be pretty boring for a while cause nothing big is happening for a few chapters. Anyway loads of love, Meghan.

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