Chapter 7- Work and Food

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---Meghan's Pov---

(Could be triggering, sorta I guess, it's just recovery doe.)

Of course I cared. I was falling, falling hard. I forced a smile.

"I'm fine, just getting used to being in Australia." I rambled on nervously.

"I get it." He replied flashing a quick smile. He sat down and we worked on the project. We had very little done. But, neither of us wanted to do it.

"Ugh, I hate school projects!" I exclaimed loudly. Probably louder than needed.

"Everyone does but we have to do it." Michael replies not moving his head up from the work.

"But, I don't want to." I whined.

"Sorry honey, you have to." He responded and a shiver ran down my spine. I clenched my fist and closed my eyes. Memories rolled through my head. Lil talking to me after the death. Her apologizing. Meeting her for the first time and finding out how fake she was. But, she knew some really great workout tips. I felt a hand in my shoulder and was drawn from my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Michael asks and I nodded. "Don't lie to me Meghan, I hate lies." He told me his eyes connected with mine. and I frowned.

"I hate being called honey." I said looking down at my hands which had become really interesting.

"Why?" He asks lifting my head up to look at him.

"Well," I started, I was gonna tell someone. No one knew why I hated it. The bell rang and I sighed. That was close. Michael smiled before walking away. I packed up my stuff and made my way down the hallway. I didn't really wanna eat with Luke today. Yesterday was a mess. I found the hallway I was in yesterday. I sat down on a nearby bench and ate the sandwich and apple I had packed myself. I had just bitten into my sandwich when I heard footsteps. I looked farther down the hall to see curls walking down the hall. Ashton and Katie strutted towards me looking like a pair of models. So, many curls, their children will be adorable.

"Meghan where have you been oh my gosh. We've been looking for you everywhere." Katie said. She was so sweet but, way too peppy.

"Well, considering how lunch went yesterday. I figured I would eat by myself." I explained and Katie and Ashton frowned at almost the same time. I have the slightest feeling they're together.

"Please come eat with me, don't let me be the only girl." Katie begged. Wait, what about Cat.

"What about Cat?" I ask I didn't really talk to her or Calum yesterday. For, obvious reasons.

"We don't like her. She's Michael's girlfriend. We all really hate her but, we love Mikey so, we let her stay." Ashton explains and I frown. That could be my chance. I smiled for a second before quickly dropping it. I was not into anyone I didn't like anyone.

"Fine, let's go." I say putting my lunch in my bag. Katie grabs my hand and drags me forward.

"Wait. Are you two together?" I asked stopping us in the middle of the hallway.

"Is it that obvious?" Ashton whispers. His eyes were huge and he looked as if I told him his family was shot and killed.

"Kinda." I reply. I turn to Katie to see her reaction. Is is gonna be as good as Ashton's. She just had a slight frown.

"It's a secret from everyone we aren't ready to tell them. I was dating Luke just a little while ago and it was a mutual break up and we're still friends it's just we don't want them to know yet." Katie explains and I nod. Relationships were weird.

"I won't tell I promise." I tell her smiling. We finish the trek to the lunchroom and I sit next to Luke and Katie sat next to me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday guys. I just don't like people knowing without me telling them." I tell them looking at my hands.

"Eh, it's fine I'm only judging you slightly." Calum says flashing a goofy grin. He was so adorkable.

"Well, that's good." I reply smiling back. These were good people. I guess. We ate lunch while telling stupid jokes and stories of the day. I ate my apple and like a bite of my sandwich. Luke tapped my shoulder when he noticed that I wasn't gonna finish eating my sandwich.

"Please finish your sandwich." He told me.

"I'm not hungry." I stated and I saw worry flash in his eyes then quickly it turned to sadness.

"Are you anorexic?" He asked and my eyes flashed down at the ground.

"No." I say quickly wrapping an arm around my stomach.

"Meg, come here." He latched his hand onto my arm and pulled me to the quiet hallway. The one I was in previously.

"Please be honest with me." He asks looking straight into my eyes. I wish I had gotten his eyes.

"I am I'm fine." I say through a clenched jaw.

"Meg-" He starts and I cut him off.

"Ya, several months ago. I used to be anorexic, I'm still getting over it. I blame it on 'healthy portions' but obviously you're not falling for it." I told him. "I felt fat for a long time. I've recovered sorta. I'm just not as hungry anymore." I told him sending him a quick glare for making me tell. Only two other people knew.

"Okay." That's all he said and I was okay with it. That's all I expected. We walked back to the lunchroom Luke had a protective arm slung over my shoulder. The bell rang soon after our little chat and Luke made me take 3 more bites of my sandwich before he would let me leave. I quickly shuffled off to class to finish off the day. I was just hoping Luke didn't make a big deal of it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I worked hard. I want any of you who are anerexic or bulimic or whatever. I love you. Even though you don't know me and even if you don't love yourself. I LOVE YOU!!!! A lot! Lots of LOVE, Meghan

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