Chapter 12- Schools and Stories

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---Meghan's Pov---

I decided to start getting ready for my date after my call with Alice. I had about 2 hours to get ready. I went into my closet and grabbed my best pair of black skinny jeans. The only ones didn't have any holes and they were cute. I then grabbed a Metallica muscle tank. I added some light curls to my hair and re-applied makeup. I looked really hot. I had about 20 more minutes till Harry was picking me up. I checked my phone and updated social media. Sam Pottorff and his little sister had done a video together. (In one of my other fanfics that happens just roll with it I own this fanfic) I wasn't in the mood to watch it I would get to that later. I headed downstairs to see all of Luke's band in the living room.

"Hey boys." I said a I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi Meg." They replied.

"What are you all dressed for?" Calum asked as I sat down on the couch.

"I have my date with Harry." I said and all the boys looked down.

"Cool." Michael said softly. We sat in almost silence. Then, as if a blessing from heaven my phone buzzed. I opened my phone up to see a text from Harry.

Come outside babe ;)

Okay on my way!

I stood up. "Harry's here boys, I'll see you later." I told them as I walked to the door. Luke came up behind me. I opened the door and he followed me. "Luke what are you doing?"

"I'm making sure Harry isn't gonna rape you or something." He said and I laughed. He smiled and the car pulled up. Well, if you could call it a car it was the old busted pickup. Which honestly I've fallen in love with. I was kinda obsessed with old cars. I walked up to the car and Luke was right behind me. Harry raced out of the car and opened the door for me. Luke's eyes went wide in shock and I blushed. I got in the car and Harry chatted with Luke for a moment. I was about to opened the door and join in but then Harry turned to get in the car. He got in the driver's seat smirking.

"What did Luke want?" I asked as he started the truck.

"Make sure I didn't hurt you and we didn't frickle frackle." Hearing those words coming from this tattooed kid caused me to laugh.

"Okay sounds good. I'm sorry my brother is so weird. I haven't been in Australia long he's a bit worried." I told him and he smiled.

"So, are you Australian or what cause you have an American accent?" He asked and I looked at him. He was concentrated on the road. He looked really hot with that jaw line oh my gosh.

"Well, I was born in Australia. I moved to America with my dad when I was 9. I just moved back earlier this week." I told him.

"Well, that's quite the the story." He said and I laughed.

"You don't know the half of it." I said and he pulled into a parking spot. He shut the truck off.

"Then tell me." He said and he stepped out to the car. I sat in shock for a moment. I unbuckled and Harry opened my door. He was honestly a little gentleman. I followed him into the little restaurant. It had cute 50's diner theme. It was really cute.

"Table for 2." He told the hostess. She waved over a decent looking waiter. Harry flinched when he noticed it was a waiter not a waitress. He led us to a table and handed us some menu's. He turned and left when Cat in a light blue waitress dress walked up to our table.

"Hi I'm Cat and I'll be our waitress for today what can I get you to drink?" She asked in a bored tone. I smiled at her. She honestly was very pretty. It made me kinda jealous. She was hot and I was not.

"I'll have a coke and she'll have a," Harry stopped turning to me waiting for me to respond.

"I'll have a water." I said still smiling as fake as possible.

"Okay I'll be back with your drinks in a bit." Cat replied and walked away.

"Okay so what's your story?" Harry asked when she walked away.

"Okay, when I was 9 years old my mom and dad got divorced. Mom wanted Luke and so I was stuck with dad. Then, my Dad moved us to California. I stayed there till now. I just moved back Wednesday." I told him leaving out my anger issues and anorexia. I didn't really want to tell him unless he asked.

"You're leaving something out." He replied in a singsong voice. Dang, was he psychic?!? I looked down at my hands and finished that story.

"Okay, I've had anger issues for as long as I can remember and well, I've been anorexic for the past 2 yearsish. And the reason I move here is because my dad passed away." I said quietly, I looked up at him and his eyes were soft. He got up from his side of the booth and sat next to me. Grabbing my hand, he started rubbing his thumb slowly across my hand.

"See, that is the story I wanted." He told me smiling. I let out a small laugh.

"Your turn go." I said and he began.

"Well, I've lived in England with my mom and my Dad since I was born and last year I decided to try being a foreign exchange student for the rest of my Highschool carrier. So, my mates did it with me and that's about it." He said pausing a bit at the last part.

"Now you're leaving something out." I said poking his side with my finger. He let out a fairly girly giggle.

"Well, I've had anger issues since I was like 3 and I've beat up my fair share of people." Harry said and I laughed.

"Oh my gosh me too." I replied and he laughed.

"Okay how many schools have you been expelled from?" Harry asked and I smiled.

"6 what about you?" I said and he smiled.

"7 of them, so I win." He says and I poke his shoulder.

"That's no fair." I said and he laughed.

"You're probably the only person that would say that." He replies to me. Looks like Harry and I are fairly similar. This date was very different from any other I've been on.

Okay well I hope you enjoyed this chappy. Comment vote DM me whatever lots of love Meghan.

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