Chapter 17- Thoughts and Mum

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---Meghan's Pov---

I walked out of my house and felt a brisk cool air hit my face. Finally it was fall. I mean it was my favorite season of the year and it I hadn't been in Australia so long I didn't even know if they still had Fall. I smiled and continued on. I just happened to be wearing a jacket and I went out on a walk. A lot had happened to me these last few weeks my dad died just over 2 months ago and I feel like I've ditched him and moved on. I know everyone here has given up on him. Luke probably doesn't remember him. But, I had to leave my whole life behind. My friends, my dad, I even miss Lil at this point and I hate her. I wish I had been the one in the accident. My Dad would have been able to move on. I don't know what I'll do. I don't even know if I'll be able to graduate. I know my Dad wouldn't approve of this but, I don't know what to do. My grades have gotten better than they were before. But, they still aren't good enough to graduate. I have a good mix of C's and D's. I don't even know if I'll be able to do anything when I graduate. I mean who's gonna hire me? Where would I go to college? I mean Luke has his band they're gonna go somewhere eventually. But, I'm stuck. I can't sing, can't dance, I'm not funny enough to have a youtube channel. What am I doing anymore?

Thoughts like this were swarming my head. I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything anyway. Then it hit me. I was having an exsitential crisis in the words of Dan Howell. I didn't know what I was going to do. I turned around from where I was and went home. It was too cold now. I opened up the door. I went and sat at the kitchen table. Liz was making some dinner I didn't want to eat. I wasn't worth the waste of food. Plus I haven't worked out in like 4 days. I couldn't eat at a time like this.

"Hey Meghan, did you ditch school a few days ago?" Liz asked as I passed the kitchen. My eyes went huge and I let a small smile onto my face.

"Yeah and I took Luke with me I'm really sorry." I tell Liz biting my lip ring.

"Oh it's fine Luke is a goody two shoes who never leaves school he needs to get out and have some fun. I was gonna thank you." Liz tells me and I laugh I guess I was still a bit helpful around here.

"So, your going out with Harry Styles huh?" Liz asks and she chops some vegetables for dinner.

"Yeah, he asked me out and I said yes." I told her in all honesty.

"I could've swore you were gonna marry Michael or Ashton. I was guessing Michael by the looks of it but hey, if you like Harry go for it." Liz tells me and I smiled.

"Thanks so much... mum" I say finally calling my mum, mum.

"Did you just call me mum?" Liz asked eyes tearing up a bit.

"Yeah, you are mum so that's what I shall call you." I told her as we both started to cry and she hugged me.

"I've missed you mum" I tell her and we continued crying.

"I've missed you you sweetie." She replied and we hear someone walk in.

"Whoa apparently I've walked into emotion land." Luke says and Liz lets go.

"Lucas, stop it I was talking to your sister why don't you come help me with dinner." Liz says pulling Luke by the ear to make him help with dinner.

"So I got a call and apparently you ditched school a couple of days ago?" Liz says questioning Luke. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. I was getting used to this place. No matter how worthless I was.

Thanks for reading I hope you like it. Comment, Vote, whatever... Lot of Love, Meghan.

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