Chapter 26- Lion King and Whispers

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---Meghan's Pov---

I sighed sitting on my couch alone on a Friday night was my ideal evening. Jason was I actually don't know but I remembered I wouldn't ever see my best friend again. I guess I just related to Simba too much. So, I sat quietly on my couch arms curled to my chest sobbing my eyes out because I was alone, and then it was acceptable. I heard the door swing open followed by laughter and I quickly whipped my head up to see who was making noise. I quickly wiped my eyes clearing my tears. I looked and watched the all the boys come sit in the living room surrounding me. It was kinda nice to be surrounded by them all. I didn't feel very alone. I felt surrounded by love. It was really nice actually. I thought I liked to be alone, generally I did. I guess now was just a good time to be surrounded by people.

"I'm tired." I sigh bobbing my head a little.

"Then go to bed." Luke shrugged and I yawned.

"But I don't want to be alone." I whisper hoping no one would hear. I close my eyes slowly but the TV was too loud for me to fall asleep. I felt someone pick me up bridal style and carry me up the stairs. My eyes shot open and I turn my head to see Michael carrying me.

"I'm too heavy put me down before you get hurt." I tell him with a very coarse voice. My voice was always really weird at night and in the morning.

"Meggy don't you dare say that," He seethes through his teeth like he can't believe I just said that. "You're absolutely perfect. Plus I've got so much muscle it doesn't even matter." He laughs and I smile. He gets into my room and sets me on my bed pulling blankets over me and I sigh.

"Michael my arms work I can do it." I tell him reaching out to pull the blankets up myself. Michael hits my arm away and continues tucking me in.

"Meggy you're in a bad place right now I can tell and that's okay we've all been in bad places it's gonna be alright. I don't know what's happening but I want to be there for you." I smile at his words.

"My Dad died before I got here so it's been I think 5 weeks. I moved away from all the memories and the house the grave, and I'm still not better. And I've got all these new friendships and my ex boyfriend is back and I'm letting too many people in and everyone thinks I'm fine but I'm not. My Dad who raised me all these years is dead. And it's all my fault and everyone thinks I'm supposed to be fine because no one was there. No one saw me sobbing alone in my now empty house. No one saw the nights where I walked into my dads room to see if maybe it had all been a dream. No one saw that I cried so hard I threw up when I got the phone call and everyone thinks I'm fine." I rant and the whole time Michael just sits there quietly listening to my every word. I don't know why I said what I did but with Michael I feel like I can tell him anything. As soon as I'm done he pulls me into a hug and holds me and I do something I never wanted to do again. I cried, no I sobbed into Michael's shoulder and I couldn't stop. His hand rubbed circles on my back and he tried to calm me down. A quiet shhhhhh coming out of his mouth.  Then he started to sing and that changed everything. I stopped crying and I broke out of the hug wiping my eyes.

"I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia." His gorgeous voice sings softly and I close my eyes softly. He keeps singing and I sleep. Finally getting the rest I needed. A few moments before I was almost asleep Michael finished singing and there was a brief silence. He started stroking my hair out of my face. Then he started to whisper.

"Meggy, how do you not know what you do to me. That you're the girl in my English class that I have the biggest crush on. How can you not tell how much I care about you. But every time you call him, you end the call with I love you. But only after then call ends because you don't want to tell him. And I hope that reason is because of me. I want you to be happy and I think you can if you're with me. But if he makes you happy go for it. Because your happiness means the most to me. Your smile changed my world and I'm so glad I met you Meggy. I'm so happy when I'm with you." He whispers lowly probably assuming I've fallen asleep and I continue with it. Did Michael just confess his feelings for me. Right before he was about to leave me to go on tour. He decided now was a good time to tell me he cared for me. No, I couldn't let Michael in I would get hurt and I've told him too much of my past already. No Michael I'm sorry but I can't feel that way about you.

So yeah a bit of an emotional chapter but that's okay it's cool. I love you all, Meghan.

A School Assignment -M.C.-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن